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"In the Silence" by Emily Dickinson
In the silence of the morning,
When the birds have yet to sing,
I find solace in the stillness,
Where my soul can take its wing.

"The Sound of Silence" by T.S. Eliot
In the quiet of the night,
When all is calm and still,
I listen to the sound of silence,
And let it fill my will.

"Silent Echoes" by Lang Leav
In the silence, echoes whisper,
Of words left unspoken,
Of love that was lost,
And promises broken.

"The Language of Silence" by Rumi
Silence speaks in volumes,
When words fail to convey,
It holds the deepest secrets,
In its quiet, profound way.

"The Silence Within" by Pablo Neruda
In the depths of solitude,
I find a tranquil place,
Where the silence within me,
Reflects my inner grace.

"A Hymn to Silence" by John Keats
Ode to silence, sweet and pure,
In your embrace, all thoughts endure,
In your presence, we find release,
And inner turmoil finds its peace.

"The Silent Sea" by Rabindranath Tagore
Like a vast, silent sea,
My soul finds its tranquility,
In the depths of the unspoken,
Lies a beauty unbroken.

"Whispers of Silence" by Mary Oliver
In the whispers of silence,
Nature reveals its grand design,
And in the hush of the world,
I find my own peace of mind.

"The Song of Silence" by Wendell Berry
In the song of silence,
Nature's music softly plays,
And in the stillness of the woods,
I lose myself in its grace.

"Silent Reflections" by Maya Angelou
In the quiet moments of reflection,
I discover the power of silence,
It speaks volumes in its stillness,
And brings me closer to my essence.

These poems celebrate the beauty, solace, and introspection found in moments of silence.

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