When you are on your period

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Requested by: Im_silly69 and -Emwritesforaliving

Note: I'll make a separate chapter for the girls for when they're on their period since this one focuses on you :)

"Here." Noah said, handing you some midol with a glass of water.
   "Thanks." You sighed, taking the glass.
   Noah knows to be patient and gentle with you when you're on your period because he doesn't want to set you off. He doesn't have an understanding of it in a personal level (obviously), but he's learned enough information about it to know it's uncomfortable for you. He tries to make sure you're comfortable, and lets you sleep in his room.

"I got you your favorite snacks and drinks to make you feel better. Also some extra tampons/pads if you need it." Cody told you.
Cody does research and tries to understand, and he's always good at that. He's really sweet and caring, when you get emotional and have mood swings. He knows to not take it personally when you get annoyed easily, and he tries to make sure you have your cravings satisfied.
Sometimes Cody also surprises you with little gifts like plushies or blankets!

  "Just relax and I'll go rent us your favorite movie."
Duncan puts on your favorite movie and gets you whatever you're craving for. He doesn't mind too much if you get emotional, but he will get mildly annoyed if you're easily angered. He gets why you act that way from your monthly, but he can't help but feel annoyed when you're snappy.
After Duncan puts on your favorite movie and gets you food, he lets you snuggle up to him, while he cuddles you throughout the movie.

You usually get it around the same time as her. You're both very moody, tired and hungry, so you either spend time together at your place or stay at her's.
   "Being a girl stinks sometimes, Y/N." Courtney groaned, clutching her pillow.
   You chuckled, "Don't worry. At least I like that you're a girl."
   "Whatever!" Courtney laughed, shoving you playfully.
  You and Courtney usually either need space from each other, depending on your moods or to spend time together. She misses you easily on her period, so she would call you even if she's annoyed at everyone in general. You both mostly help each other out by bringing each other food or medicine, since you have the same cycles.

   "For you, my princessa." Alejandro smiled, handing you soft pillows and blankets. "I will be back with your favorite snacks."
   You nodded, smiling appreciatively at Alejandro for knowing just what to do.
  When you get cravings or feel exhaustion from getting your period, Alejandro makes sure you're taken care of and he won't just leave you like that. He's understanding when you have mood swings, and knows when to give you space. However, he'll still check on you to make sure you're okay.

  Heather is a pro at taking care of you when you're on your monthly because she obviously gets it. She gets you any snacks you would like, and would help you relax with tea and warm blankets. She gets a little irritated when you're moody or emotional, but she tries not to say too much. Keyword: Tries.
"Thanks for everything, Heather." You smiled, relaxing into the warm blankets she got you.
Heather smiled, feeling a little embarrassed. "Don't mention it."

"Here's some food, water, and medicine. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?" Emma told you, laying beside you, cuddling you close to her.
   "Okay.." You mumbled, feeling exhaustion take over, then slept.
Emma is understanding when you're on your period, and she tries to be as patient with you as possible. She knows to cuddle you when you get upset and to make you your favorite drink. She loves to surprise you with little desserts she gets you from a cafe and smiles a lot at your excited expression.

   "Don't be such a crab." Kitty chuckled, giving you a hug. "I'll be back with some drinks."
Kitty would tease you a little about your mood swings, but will still be patient with you. She's used to dealing with Emma's moodiness, and she understands what it's like to have mood swings during a monthly.
"I even got you extra pads! Look at the little designs on them." She laughed, handing them to you.
"You're the best." You smiled, as she climbed onto the couch with you with your drinks.

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