When you see them upset

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Note: I'm going to include more dialogue in this book because I noticed it was lacking :) But some of these are straight to the point due to the character's personality.



"Noah? Let's get some rest, okay?"

He nodded, as you took him straight to his room. You guided him towards his bed, then threw blankets on top of him.

"Take the time you need, okay? You don't have to handle all of this right now." You said, tucking him in. You kissed his cheek, then left his bedroom to get him water.

Noah nodded, smiling softly at you, as you left to the kitchen. He loves how you are always there for him, and how he doesn't always have to be snarky around you.

Noah gets emotional when he's upset and gets distracted for days, completely losing focus, as we all witnessed during the Ridonculous race. When he's upset, you'll need to make sure he takes time to process those feelings. He'll most likely need rest and reassurance.


"I don't know what to do.." Cody mumbled. He was upset about his situation with one of his friends ignoring him after someone spread a rumor about him.

"You can talk to me." You replied. "We can figure this out together."

Cody would rant for as long as he needs, while you rub his back and assure him that you're here to help him through it. Afterwards, he'll give you a long hug and feel thankful that he has you in his life.


Duncan usually needs space when he's upset before he's able to talk about it. When he does talk about it, he'll just need you to be present while he rants. He doesn't want suggestions on what to do, only for you to listen.

"It's okay that you need time to yourself for now." You assured him, after he vented to you. "

Duncan sighed, then held you close, kissing the top of your head, "Thank you."


Courtney gets stressed out easily from the pressure of feeling like she needs to have it together all the time. On top of that, she's a pretty sensitive and emotional person, so it is easy for her feelings to get hurt.

Courtney tried her best to hold in her tears, after her parents yelled at her for not getting a good grade on her project. She called you up to vent, then to her shock, you came over to her place with takeout.

She smiled, wiping her tears as you walked in. You smiled, closing the door from behind you. She guided you towards her room, careful to not alert her parents.

You sighed, then opened some of the food. "I just wanted you to know you don't have to do this alone."

Courtney brought you into a kiss, then pulled away, "I love you."

Courtney just needs someone to listen when she's upset and to not judge her. She always feels she is on the spotlight to be perfect, so it is refreshing for her when you allow her to be vulnerable right in front of you.


Alejandro doesn't get upset a lot, but when he does, it's usually because of his brothers or someone trying to outshine him. When he's upset, he just wants to be with you. You don't have to do anything extravagant, he just needs to see you. Your presence calms him down.

  "I just need to be with you right now." He told you, trying to smile.

You brought Alejandro into a hug. "It's okay."

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