When you're upset with them and they notice - PART 1

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Note: Hi guys. A lot of the characters aren't included for now because I know I needed to put up an update since I haven't updated in over a month. I already wrote an explanation on my profile to why I haven't been active in the fandom lately.

I hope you still enjoy this, because I do plan to include more characters in part 2. :)

  Noah would likely notice your upset demeanor, even if you don't explicitly express your feelings. Being observant, he would pick up on your cues and body language.
He would approach you gently, acknowledging that he's noticed your distress. He would try to lighten the mood by making a lighthearted comment or a self-deprecating joke to help her feel more at ease. "Well, if I've managed to upset you, I must be doing something wrong. Care to enlighten me, oh queen of subtle signals?"
Noah would likely encourage you to open up about what's bothering you, assuring you that he genuinely wants to understand and make things right. He might use his sarcasm and jokes to diffuse tension and make you feel comfortable discussing your feelings. However, he would also respect and give you space if you need it, understanding that you may not immediately express everything that's bothering you.

Cody would be very perceptive of your emotions, despite his sometimes oblivious nature. He would notice your change in behavior or any signs of distress and would immediately become concerned. He would want to address the issue and make things right, even if he doesn't fully understand.
"Hey, I noticed you seem upset, and I'm really sorry if I did something to make you feel this way. I care about you a lot, and it hurts me to see you like this. Can we talk about it?" Cody asks, sitting next to you on the couch.
Cody would listen attentively, offering you reassurance and support, ask questions to better understand your perspective and show genuine concern for her well-being. Afterwards, he'll try to make you smile again.

Because of his experiences with Courtney, Duncan would initially react defensively, displaying his stubborn and prideful nature. He might respond with sarcasm or a dismissive attitude, as he tends to use these as defense mechanisms. "Oh, what did I do this time? Did I forget to put the toilet seat down? Or maybe I didn't text you back fast enough?"
You rolled your eyes, "Why don't you talk to me before assuming?"
As the realization sinks in that you're genuinely upset with him and not being uptight like Courtney was, Duncan's reaction might soften a bit. He would start to recognize that his actions have consequences and that he cares about your feelings, even if he doesn't always show it.
"Alright, fine. Talk. Tell me what's bothering you, and let's get this over with." He sighs, giving you a small smile.
Although Duncan may struggle to express his emotions openly, he would make an effort to listen and take your concerns seriously. He might not apologize right away, but he would try to find a compromise or a way to resolve the issue.

   Courtney refuses to admit she is wrong until the situation has blown up. That's one of her character flaws, as shown in action and world tour. She tends to believe she's always in the right and that you need to be the one to apologize first. She might struggle to accept criticism or acknowledge her own faults, as she often likes to maintain a sense of control and superiority.
"What's your problem? I'm always doing my best, and you're never satisfied!"
"The problem is that you never listen!" You exclaimed, trying not to lose your temper.
  When Courtney eventually apologizes, she gets embarrassed because she hates admitting she messed up. Though Courtney may struggle with vulnerability, she would attempt to empathize with your feelings and show genuine concern. She might express her desire to make things right, even if it means temporarily setting aside her competitive nature. She might offer solutions or compromises that could help address the issue.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" You asked, giving her a proud smile.
Courtney sighed, smiling shyly. "I guess it wasn't."

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