When they see you upset

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Noah would ask, "What's wrong, honey?" Then will try to listen in the best way that he could. He would then try to help you come up with solutions as much as he could, even if there's not much he can do. He gets upset when you're upset, but he knows that he can't magically make your problems disappear. He then tries to comfort you by watching tv with you or assuring you that he's here.

  Cody would hold you close then let you cry it out, as he assures you things will be okay. He would then ask if you would like to go somewhere or to just sit in the couch with him. If you suggest an idea, he always agrees to it because he hates seeing you hurt. He would consistently check on you throughout the week to make sure you're okay.

  Duncan gets protective, so his first priority is to make sure that no body messed with you. He would then take you into his car for a drive where you talk about it and you would also go to a place with a relaxing view to help distract you a little. If you're up for it, you both would also get into mischief together to make you laugh and distract you from those thoughts.

   Courtney immediately goes into protective mode and will do her best to calm you down. She would cry with you, depending on the situation, and would feel your emotions with you such as anger or disappointment. She would try to help you solve it even if you insist not to. She means well and she cares for you too much to let this situation go on.

   He gets concerned and would try to take care of you by doing the most romantic things to make you feel better. He would play romantic music, and hold you close to him, bringing you into a kiss. He would also try to cook your favorite food that you would eat together as you both talk about the problem. Alejandro knows how to make you forget your problems for that moment because of how naturally romantic he is.

    Heather would get concerned and feel awkward about how to approach you. She would ask questions about your situation to help her understand it more. She would rub your back, and sigh to herself, thinking of what to do to help you. Heather gets less embarrassed to show you her emotional and caring side over time, so when she's more open around you, she just gives you a kiss and says, "It will work out soon."  She blushes a lot at the fact that she helped make you feel better, and she loves that you trust her enough to rely on her.

   Emma would get more affectionate than usual and will want to hug you close to her while you cry it out or just vent. She wouldn't leave the room unless she knows for sure that you're okay. She would then kiss your cheek and assure you that you'll get through this together. She is great at giving you pep talks when you're upset, even though she can be particularly snarky in general about a lot of things. She tries to be as supportive as possible.

   Kitty knows the first thing to make you feel better is to make sure you're comfortable. She would have you lay down on her bed, and throw many blankets on you, then would leave to make you a hot chocolate or your favorite drink. Afterwards, she will listen to you rant and if you allow her, she'll give you advice. She is surprisingly very good at advice and she knows how to make you feel that things will be okay.

   Mike would immediately bring you into a hug then would let you vent out your feelings. He always listens without judgement because he has been through a lot of issues himself. He doesn't give you advice unless asked since he knows you just need someone to listen. Afterwards, he would ask if you would like to do something to distract you for a little while.

Mal is already protective of you so when you're upset about something, he gets even more protective. He would ask what happened and keep asking more about the situation, so he could know what to do. Afterwards, he'll just let you lay on his chest, as he runs his hands through your body and will keep kissing your forehead. He gets a little embarrassed to say comforting things like "I'm here, baby," but he will depending on how upset you are.

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