Chapter Sixty-eight - The Act of Getting Caught

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things were not going well for me since the twins left. i hadn't heard from them but it was for the best. i was either camping in the dorms or in the room of requirement. after the fiasco with the DA being found out however, there was nothing to do in there. no one suspected i would go back there since the group had been disbanded but it wasn't the DA room anymore. it was a small room with a bed and food and entertainment for me so that i could keep myself busy while i was hiding from everyone. sometimes Harry, Ron and Hermione would hang out with me there and other times Angelina, Alicia, Katie and Lee would come and spend a few hours catching me up on what's been going on. Ginny has visited a few times as well and with her she always brought Luna and some baked goods.

I wasn't always in that room but with routine searches it was best if i spent most of my time there. i do sneak out into the tunnels and roam the school quite a lot though. i want to make sure things are still regularly exploding around here. there was random explosions in new locations and new times each day and they were all meticulously planned out by me because i had nothing better to do and the room of requirement provided me the means to craft myself dozens of explosives.

The staff had taken to putting up missing persons posters with my face all over them but thankfully professor Flitwick picked the moving photo of me smirking. McGonagall knew exactly where i was and i knew this because she had said hi to me in the walls before and every time she passed a poster she began laughing. she also began laughing whenever she heard an explosion because Umbridge thought the twins were haunting the school when it was in fact me who was haunting the school.

it was after supper and i was dashing down the halls from the kitchen after i enchanted wooden spoons to scrape the calling to creep out the students above during the awkward silences. as i was sneaking up a staircase i put my hood on to hide my face.

"there she is!" someone shouted. i pulled out the shrunken invisibility cap from my pocket and returned it to its original size and then placed it on my head then ran back down the stairs.

as i passed the person i halted seeing that it was Harry. i ran back after him and grabbed his shoulder as i removed my cap. he tried to scream with alarm but i covered his mouth.

"What the-?"

"i didn't realize it was you." i said quickly.

"oh, lets go to the common room. none of us have seen you in two weeks and as soon as we heard scraping on the floor we ran out to find you."

"do you have something to say to me or something?" i questioned.

"we've got a lot of things to say to you." he said harshly and if i wasn't currently running, i would have taken a few steps back.

when we arrived in the common room i sat down in one of the armchairs and Harry stayed standing. we waited there in silence for fifteen minutes and as time passed more people entered the room. First it was Ginny and Hermione. then Ron and Lee followed by Katie, Angelina and Alicia.

once everyone sat down Harry stood up.

"Umbridge told me that she would consider pardoning Chloe for everything she's done if she comes back and stops tormenting the school. she's clearly the only one not enjoying all the nonsense but she said it."

"okay." i said with a shrug as i slumped in my seat.


"oh, you didn't think i would agree." i said as i got to my feet. "that must be why your all here."

"yeah." Harry said with a lot of confusion.

"i have conditions. Take me to the toad!" i shouted as i lifted both hands into the air clapping twice.

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