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"You can't run forever, Eric!" an anonymous creature taunted, its voice echoing through the darkness.

Eric sprinted forward, his heart racing with every step. He dared not look back, fearing what he might see. The obstacles ahead seemed insignificant compared to the terror chasing him.

"Stop now, I command you!" the creature bellowed, its voice like thunder. Eric's legs trembled, but he refused to yield. Stopping would mean certain death.

Summoning his last shred of courage, Eric defied the monster: "Never!"

The creature snarled, brandishing a knife stained with dark red blood. Eric's eyes widened as the blade raced towards him. Just as all hope seemed lost, his leg collided with a rock, deflecting the knife. Eric stumbled, and the ground gave way beneath him. He plummeted into a dark, seemingly endless pit.

When he finally landed, the impact knocked the wind out of him. As he struggled to catch his breath, the fatigue overwhelmed him, and he blacked out.

Eric's eyes fluttered open to the sound of gnashing teeth. The creature loomed over him, its bright red eyes burning with malevolence. Shrivelled skin clung to its skull, and long red horns protruded from its forehead. Eric's heart raced as the creature raised its sword, ready to strike.

"Stay away from me!" Eric pleaded, his voice trembling.

The monster smiled wickedly, its silence more unnerving than any taunt. With a swift motion, it raised its sword, poised to deliver the final blow.


Jerking back to reality, Eric realized it was just a dream. He sat up in bed, drenched in sweat, and checked the time: 7:51 AM.

"Oh no, I overslept!" he groaned, regretting his late-night indulgence.

As he rushed to get ready, his phone rang. It was Leonardo, his friend since childhood. They had planned to attend their first day of school together.

"Hey, Eric, how's it going?" Leonardo asked, concern etched in his voice.

"Not great," Eric replied, struggling to multitask. "I overslept."

Leonardo sighed. "I've been waiting for you for half an hour. When are you going to show up?"

Eric hesitated, feeling guilty. "Look, go on without me. I'll catch up later, okay?"

The phone call ended.

As Eric rinsed his toothbrush, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. Attempting to lighten the mood, he joked, "Hey, who's this good-looking guy here?" But his attempt at humor was interrupted by a shadowy figure darting across the mirror.

Eric's heart skipped a beat. "What the...?"

He recalled the terrifying dream and felt a shiver run down his spine. "Show your face, demon!"

A creaking sound from his closet startled him, and just as he moved to investigate, Juliet, his younger sister, jumped out with a playful "BOO!"

Startled, Eric couldn't help but laugh. "Juliet? You scared me half to death!"

Juliet giggled mischievously. "You should have seen the look on your face! Priceless."

Rolling his eyes, Eric replied, "Very funny. Now, how long have you been here?"

Ignoring his question, Juliet teased, "Do you really think girls would crush on you? You look like a zoo animal."

"Ha-ha," Eric retorted sarcastically.

Juliet grinned, pleased with her prank. "Breakfast is ready, and I'm leaving for school soon."

Eric nodded, still shaken. "Thanks, I'll be down soon."

As Juliet left the room, Eric breathed a sigh of relief. "I think I'm starting to hallucinate. I shouldn't let nightmares conquer my brain."

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Eric descended the stairs, grabbed breakfast, and headed out in search of a bus.

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