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"Where am I?" Eric was mystified as he finds himself in an empty white background.

Emerging from the shadows, a blurry figure in gigantic stature replied-

"You are in the afterlife."

"Am I dead?"

"Yes, anyone found here had been deprived of life."

"Oh" Eric said in a down tone. "So where is this afterlife?"

"Afterlife doesn't have a location. It is an intermediary between heaven and hell."

"Which am I gonna dwell in?"

"It is not known until the final judgment"

"And when is that?"

"That is also unknown yet."

Eric looks around observing the pure whiteness of the background.

"So what's gonna happen now that I'm dead?"

"You'll be planted in a coffin in a week. Your relatives will mourn for forty days, after then, you would be remembered less but your memories, when recollected, would always sadden their hearts."

"Corruption of death would then take place. Your human form would be degraded, wasted and serve as food for the worms."

"I'm I allowed to talk to family and friends every once in a while?"

"No, you shall not meet any being in your spiritual form unless you plan on seeking vengeance on the one who killed you."

Anger filled Eric has he recalls how he got here.

"I seek vengeance on the monster who made me enter this boring place."

"Why? It wasn't the one who murdered you."

"It murdered me mentally."

"But you murdered yourself physically right?"


"So you have no reason to disturb this poor soul."

Eric carefully looks at the shadowy figure in front of him and asked –

"Who are you?"

The structure behind the shadows smiled.

"Do you really wish to know?"

"Yes" Eric said as he moves closer to it.

Then the image became clear.

He was shocked upon seeing who it was.

It was that wretched demon.

At that point, he didn't care of the capabilities of the creature, so he sprung to seize it. It avoided him and Eric fell to the ground.

"I've succeeded in killing you. You shall spend the rest of your miserable life here!" The monster said with hellish triumph on its face.

Eric stood up and asked –

"What do you want from me?"

"I shall not tell for I was sent. Now my next mission is to torment your sister until she also commits suicide. You won't be so lonely here after all." The monster as it gradually fades from existence.

"Noooo!!!" Eric cried

Sometime later, Eric saw a figure in human stature.

"Who's there?" he yelled.

The face became less blurry he was stunned as he saw who it was.


He rushed to him with a warm hug.

It was his Grandfather who had died the previous year.

"Eric?!" The man said looking upon the face of his Grandson.

"Yes 'pa" he replied.

"Are you dead?"

Tears rolled down his eyes as he tightened his hug.

"Yes 'pa, I'm dead."

"How?, you are too young to be here"

"I was assassinated by a demon."

"This can't be possible." His grandfather said as he gradually disappears from his grip.

"Grandpa, where are you going?, please don't leave me here."

"Take care of yourself for me, okay?"

His grandfather was no longer visible.

Eric stood there, flabbergasted and depressed. He had just began the rest of his miserable days here.

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