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Roxanne and Juliet came outside when they heard car noises.

"What happened to my car?"

"Where is my brother?"

Roxanne and Juliet requested respectively.

"I need to go after him." Leo said to the girls. "The four of you mustn't go anywhere.

Leonardo took a deep breath and went into the dark and dreary streets.


Eric discovered more footprints and traced it with a vehicle until the car gradually slowed down.

"What's wrong with this car?"

He came out of the vehicle only to find himself in the middle of nowhere.

Suddenly, he detected movements proceeding from the far end of the road.

He anticipated that it was a helper so he waved his hands above his head to facilitate espy.

Although, he got a closer look and learnt that it wasn't even a humanoid.


Eric got distressed and instantly boarded the carriage. He pressed hard on the accelerator pedal which made the car gather momentum and fly ahead.

There was a signboard up ahead which indicated-

'End of the road. Please turn around.'

As he quickly swerves left, he diverted into a thick and foggy forest.

But the front wheel got stuck in the mud. He accelerated but the car wouldn't budge, it only made coughs and sputters.

The monster spotted Eric and it started advancing towards him. Eric's heart palpitated faster. He ditched the car and took off running.


After roaming about the neighborhood for a while, Leonardo found a watchman sitting alone on a bench with a lantern.

"Good evening sir." Leo greeted as he approaches the elderly man.

"Evening boy. You shouldn't be found here at this late hour."

"I know but sir it's very important."

"What is it?"

"Do you happen to see any child around here?"

"Like a young boy?"


"Yes. I saw a boy running into that pine forest over there." The watchman said as he pointed the direction.

"Thank you very much, I'm very grateful."

"Glad I could help but beware of those hungry wolves. They tend to come out by this time."

"Okay sir." Leonardo adhered as he set foot into the pine forest.

Whenever there was a strong wind, the pine trees made eerie sounds that has always kept most people to the main road.

As he crept deeper in the woods, he tried not to be nervous or imaginative. He brought out a pale gleam torch when he noticed it was getting extremely dark. Although the batteries were running down, he used it to maneuver his way through the narrow path.

Leonardo stopped when his flickering light fell on a boy who was sitting alone on a rock.

"Brian? Is that you?" He asked moving closer for better recognition. But as he approaches the boy, he sensed that something was wrong.

The boy appeared to be crying, his head hung down, he held his face in his hands and his body shaking convulsively.

It was a strange soundless weeping and Leonardo felt quite uneasy.

"Well, what's the matter?" he interrogated anxiously. "Why are you crying?"

The boy wouldn't answer or look up.

His body continued to be agitated with silent sobbing.

"Come on, talk to me. Look up."

The boy looked up. He took his hands from his face and looked at him.

The light from Leonardo fell on the boy's face, that is if what he saw could even be called a face.

He had no eyes, ears, nose or mouth. It was just a round smooth head with a cap on top of it.

Several people who have had similar experiences drop dead of unexplainable heart attack but for Leonardo, it didn't end there.

The torch fell from his trembling hand. He turned and scrambled down the path, running blindly through the trees and calling for help. He was still running when he saw a lantern swinging in the middle of the path.

Leonardo has never been so please to see the night watchman. He stumbled up to the watchman, gasping for breath and breathing incoherently.

"What is it young man?" the watchman queried. "Why are you running?"

"I saw something, something horrible, a boy weeping in the forest, and he had no face!"

"No face?"

"No eyes, nose, mouth, nothing!"

"Do you mean it like this?" asked the watchman and raised the lamp to his own face.

The watchman had no eyes, no ears, no features at all, not even an eyebrow.

The wind blew the light out and Leonardo had a heart attack.

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