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"You can't run forever, Eric." The beast said to Eric. It all made complete sense to him now.

His supernatural dreams were actually prophesying the future. But he didn't want his life to end like how he did in his dreams so he decided to make a change.

"I surrender." he said coming to a complete stoppage. The monster was thunderstrucked by this immediate adjudication.

Swiftly, it appeared in front of him. It widened its palm and held his whole face with it. Eric screamed for mercy as the demon dragged him ruthlessly back to the highway.

The devil smashed his head perniciously on the car's hood which led to extreme bleeding.

"Take me to your home." The rascal ordered as it tossed Eric back into the car.

He looked up at the creature and retorted.

"What do you want from me?"


"On what?"

"Your life, family, relatives and friends."


"I am sent to kill them."


"You are asking too much questions." The beast screamed with belligerence. "TAKE ME TO YOUR HOUSE!"

"NO. I won't allow you to hurt anyone I know."

The monster looked at Eric with hellish provocation and landed him a very deafening blow on his face.

Blood splashed across the dashboard and windshield.


Eric wiped his bleeding nose and looked up to the creature.

"I'm not afraid of you anymore."

He had finally conquered trepidation.

The demon boiled with frustration, it face reddened, it gnashed it teeth loudly, fire bursted from his head and-


The car exploded and Eric found himself about ten feet in mid-air.


He landed roughly on the ground breaking a rib.

Instantly, he gathered strength, erected from the ground and entered into the forest for coverage.

He ran with leaden legs immobilized by terror.

About a minute or two of hiding in the forest, he found something lying lifeless on the ground.


"Bro what are you doing here?" he asked as he knelt to where his livid corpse lay.

But the being didn't move.

"Leo?" he shouted shaking his body impatiently. "Get up dude, we gotta go."

Suddenly, the bush made absurd noises.

Eric was carrying Leonardo in his arms when two being bursted out of the bushes.

"Cynthia? ... Chloe?... Jeez, you scared the hell out of me."

For a moment, Cynthia and Chloe glared at Eric in awe.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, we thought we should check on you, you guys took too long." Chloe professed.

"I told you not to leave the house, where is my sister?" he scolded.

"She's home with Roxanne." Cynthia responded. "But that doesn't matter right now. What's wrong with Leo?" She sympathized as a she helped him off his arms.

"I don't know, I found him unconscious here in the woods, I thought probably-"


A wolf howled at a distance.

Everyone faced the direction of the noise and they saw a wolf with bright red eye advancing towards them.

"I think we need to get outta here"

In a blink of an eye, a pack of wolves surrounded them. It was a full moon and the werewolves howled. The unhinged wolves growled as their alpha progressed forward.

"Nobody move." he instructed. "They detect fear."

Eric tried to show a sense of bravery but he was so spooked that his feet were freezing cold and his whole sense organs went numb.

The starving wolves were prepared to ambush and annihilate its prey.

He took a step closer to the alpha to scare it off but it pulled back its lips and the incisore were displayed.

It gave a fiercer growl which made Eric move back a little.

Who would have ever thought that their story would end like this?

They were in the middle of nowhere with probably no chances of help and low chances of survival.

While the girls were shivering in trepidation, Eric was busy with his brain.

Formulating, planning and calculating the next move he was going to make.

"I'll distract the alpha. You girls should take Leonardo and find an escape route." He advised.

"Wait, what you wanna do?!" Cynthia requested, horrified.

"I'm gonna end this!"

He gathered momentum and leapt unto the alpha.

Instantly, the alpha crouched backwards and pounced on him.


The girls screamed in horror.

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