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As the bus gradually moves over the hump, he became more restless.

"Hey, bus driver can you move a bit faster, please?"
The taxi driver observed the boy with a dirty look from the rear-view mirror trying make him understand that he wasn't the reason of his lateness for school today.
"No i can't, this is the speed limit." he replied.

Eric took a look at his watch. It reads -
He rest his back on the chair in an attempt to ease stress and get a hold of himself.
He had decided to nap but he unlocked his eyes when the bus halted at an unfamiliar station.

"Uhm, Mr.driver please where are we ?."
The driver was silent, not answering the question.
"Mr. Driver ?" He said once more.
"We're at the filling station, there's no more fuel."
This moment felt strange to him. There was no one in the bus except him and the man.
"Let me speak with the fuel attendant." The driver pulled out a pack of cigarette from his left pocket and lit one with a lighter.
"I'll be back soon." he slowly alights from his conveyance.
Now he was the only living soul on the bus. He pivoted his wrist to check the time once again. It reads -
'HE:LL am'
"What the - ?"
Just then, he heard the tragic scream of a young girl from afar.
"Who goes there ? " he yelled, ejecting his head out the back window.
A dark and blurry figure with blood red eyes blazed pass the bus. He was a bit spooked.

He tries to calm his nerves by soliloquising to himself -
" This is not real, hallucination is just taking over my cerebrum."
Just then, he noticed the petrol attendant vanishing into a thick dark fog leaving fuel gushing all over the floor.
"Mr. Driver!"
The man came out limping slowly as if he had been possessed. His eye colour diverted to fire yellow and his hair was standing on its ends.

"Save yourself, boy!"
The lighter fell from his hand and was consumed by the fuel on the ground.
The fuel turned into fire that accompanied the vehicle.

"Help! Help me !!"
Fire was everywhere and the scene resembled hell.
         Something gradually hopped on the bus causing it to shake violently.
         "No need to make a racket, no one can hear you". The frenzy creature said with a tremendous and fearful voice.

     "Who the hell are you ?"
              "Isn't it obvious?"
     The creature came out of the fog permitting a luminous light to shine on it's face.
         "I'm your worst nightmare!"
It was the devil he saw in his previous dream.
      "No need to be scared, I just wanted to taste your blood"
   A long knife magically appears in its hands.
             "Please, spare me" Eric pleads.
    "There's no way that's happening"
            instantly, it stabbed his stomach without mercy.
    "(screaming) Aaaargh !!!"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----

(waking up from his nap).
       "Why the noise young lad "the bus diver asked.
       "Oh, it was just a dream" he replied.
        "We're finally here!" the bus driver yelps as the bus came to an halt.
         Everyone in the bus poured out.

The front view of the school looked very peaceful following the chirping of birds on the pine tree accompanied by cool breeze and
glittering stars as the sun rizes over the horizon..
     The purple hibiscus and other flowering shrubs planted around the school produced a pleasant fragrance. The milk and peach colours used to paint all the buildings in the school radiates its
beauty from outside making it unique

       "Hey Eric!" Leo jumps with joy as he approaches his friend.
      "What took you so long?"
               "It was traffic"
Leo was dressed in a black bow tie and a white collared shirt
     "Bro what in the world are you wearing?"
           "Marks and spencer." he replied. "Don't you like it ? "
    "You look like a nerd."
             "This insight is coming from a guy wearing a spandex black top and blue pencil jeans."
        "Dude, you're out of fashion."
  Lets just leave this argument and get to class okay ?"
    As both of them walked the hallways, they noticed some girls who looked like they had been in the school for a while so they gathered up courage to them. Eric goes first -
            " Hey ladies, how y'all doing?"

Horrific Times || Completed ✔️✔️✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt