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Eric felt a slight touch on his hand, he woke up only to find himself still on the hospital bed

"Why are you quivering, are you okay?" Dr. Lincoln questioned with anxiety

"Woah!" Eric exclaimed as he sprang up.

"Calm down Eric, you need a bit more rest. Your blood levels rose so I'm hinting  you a nightmare."

"Affirmative" Eric replied "But please sir, how long have I been asleep?"

"I just came in a few minutes ago so guess you were unconscious for approximately –"

The psychiatrist turned his wrist over to check the time.

"Four hours."

"So has the simuli stuff gone done?"


"The symali... stuff , has it...."

"You mean stimulants."

"Yes those......things. Are they gone?"

"Hmmm, not quite really. You took a very deadly doze those pills and the caffeine in the coffee made it worse. So you still need about sixteen hours of sleep before the whole thing drain out."

"Sixteen Hours!" He shrieked "That's like a whole day."

"Which means you won't come to school tomorrow."

"But I can't start skipping school, I just got here."

"Eric, don't you know how urgent this case is? We're talking about life and death here."

He sighed in despair.

"Okay, I'll try my utmost best." He said as he heads towards the exit.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Uhm.., home. School ought to be over now."

"I still need to run some test on your body system."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes, now modify your position let me get this thing started."

The doctor brought out a large machine" This is a magnetic resonance imaging. I'll use it......"

"No offense doctor I don't really care anymore, I really need to go home. My sister must be worried sick."

Dr.Lincoln gave a weak smile and continued operation.

There was absolute silence that last for about ten minutes.

"Thanks Doc.I'm very grateful."

"Don't mention it, I'm just doing my job. Now hurry up and meet your loved ones."

Eric stood up and left.

As he arrives home, he knocks on the door anxiously waiting for a reply.

But no one answers.

He knocks again, but this time with an audio effect.


Then a voice replies-

"Who's that?"

The door opens gently.

"Oh Eric!, what took you so-"

He took her in with a warm embrace.

"I'm sincerely sorry"

"For what?"

"I haven't been there for you when you needed me. I've always neglected your presence. I hope you would wholeheartedly forgive me."

Juliet broke the embrace.

"Bro, I was never angry at you. I had always loved you as a brother and I'll never stop loving you."

Eric gave a wide smile to portrait happiness.

"You really mean it?"


"Well I love you too."

"Come here" They both hugged again.

Later that day, Eric was in his bedroom preparing to sleep when Leo called.

Leo: Hi, how you feeling?

Eric: A bit uneasy

Leo: I'm sorry I didn't wait for you after your therapy, my driver was threatening to leave.

Eric: Hey, stop that. You saved my life by taking me to the clinic. I should be sorry for not heeding your warnings.

Leo: (Laughs weakly) friends?

Eric: Best Friends!

Leo: So what are you doing now?

Eric: I'm about to sleep, Dr. Lincoln said I should get a sixteen hour's rest.

Leo: Well you better get started.

(Phone call cuts)

"I guess it's time for another nightmare." he said as he cuddles himself with a blanket.

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