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At exactly seven pm,

They started showing up.

A boy who claimed to go by the name 'Brian' appeared first.

"Hi Eric, I'm Brian. Juliet's friend."

"Oh, So you are her playdate"

"Playdate?, she never told me she- "

He dragged him inside.

"Welcome to the sleepover, Juliet is changing into her pyjamas. Wait for her in the living room.

Eric pinched his cheeks playfully and continued- "Don't try anything fishy."

"Aiye Aiye captain!"

Suddenly he heard the honking sound of a car in his front yard.

"Oh snap, they're here."

Chloe alighted the car first, followed by Roxanne then Cynthia and Leonardo.

"You brought a car?" Eric was stunned as he came outside. "None of you have a driver's license. You could have had an accident."

"My brother was supposed to babysit me but he left for prom night. I couldn't leave the car so I decided to take it with and besides my house is just down the street." Roxanne explained as she brought out a gigantic bag from the boot.

"Don't you think this is too much for a night?"

"You just don't know what might happen in one night."

Sometime later, they got inside and heated a conversation.

The laughter was cheerful. It was also infectious.

It began as a silent chuckle but later transformed into a full fledged chortle.

"How 'bout we play a game?" Chloe suggested.

"Yeah, like truth or dare Juliet added.

"Aren't too young that game?" Eric challenged

"No, not at all." She retorted.

"Ok fine," Said Eric "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go to your room and... erm... clean it up!"

"Hey, that's not fair."

"A dare's a dare. I warned you."

Juliet stood up angrily and ascended the stairs.

"Maybe I should accompany her." Roxanne said and followed.

Immediately, all eyes fell on Bryan which caused an awkward silence. He soon felt uncomfortable and joins them.

"Wait up girls."

Eric, Leonardo, Chloe and Cynthia were the only one's left

"Now let's play the game, maturely." Said Chloe. "Who wanna go first?"

"I'll go first." Said Cynthia

"Truth or dare?"


"Name that person you're always jealous of."


Everyone gasped in immense shock. The game was really heating up.

"Eric you're next." Leo stated. "Truth or dare?"


"Name your crush."

"What?!, sorry I meant dare." Eric retaliated.

"Eric, just talk. You'll never get the chance to tell her again."

At first, Eric was hesitant. He didn't want to reply.

"Fine, I have a crush on..." Eric built a bit of suspense before he resumed "...Cynthia."

Cynthia and Chloe gasped.

"Really, you like me?"

"Yep." Leo interrupted. "He wouldn't stop talking about how hot he thought you were."

Cynthia blushed profusely and winked at him.

"I kinda like you too."

Eric was happy hearing this but the joy didn't last long. It died almost immediately.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I'll be gone by midnight.

He stood up shamefully and ran up the stairs.

Eric remained in his room, sulking. He looks at his image in the mirror until he observed something extremely alarming.

Dark smoke occupied him from behind which made him panic. The gaseous matter formed the structure of a face with dark red eyes.

"Eric!" the whole room creepily echoed his name.

Then a thin mischievous smile played across the corners of his lips.

"Crap! I'm hallucinating again." He startled and exited his room.

He heard silted but mirthful giggling emitting from Juliet's room so he decided to eavesdrop.

"I see you girls are having fun."

"Oh Eric, I didn't see you there." Said Roxanne. "Juliet is cracking me up. She has an excellent sense of humor."

They both giggled like babies.

"Thanks Roxanne." Said Juliet. "I enjoyed your company but I really gotta resume my playdate." She then turns to Eric. "Eric please where's Brian?"

"Brian? I don't know. I thought he was with you."

"NO" Roxanne postulated. "We left him downstairs.

"That's weird." Eric said as he leaves the arena.

"Have any of you seen Brian?" he asks as he approaches the living room.

"Isn't he supposed to be with Roxanne and Juliet upstairs?" Chloe replied.

"No he's not. I just confirmed from them."

This was truly marveling. Immediately, they began scavenging for Brian like he was a lost treasure.

"I've checked the attic, the basement and still no sign of him." Said Leo.

Suddenly they heard the creaking sound of a door. This made them all rush to the scene.

To their surprise, they found blood-stained footprints of a child succeeding by enormous footprints.

They traced the footmarks but it ended outside the house. They all looked in dismay until Cynthia broke the silence.

"Oh no! I think he was kidnapped!!"

"I need to find him." Eric said as he audaciously stepped out of the yard.

"Wait!" Leo cried. "I'll follow."

"No, I don't wanna jeopardize your lives."

"Dr. Lincoln told us that you should be in bed by 11:00pm. Its 11:45"

"It doesn't matter."

"But Eric" Chloe joined. "These footprints are enormous, it looks nothing like those of humans. Something is out there and it's dangerous. Extremely-"

"Like I said!" Eric interrupts. "It doesn't matter I'll die either way. Y'all something I'll never have. Big dreams and a Bright future."

Eric went inside got the keys and put the car in ignition.

"Tell Roxanne I lent her car. I'll be right back."

"You can't drive!, You might-"


The car sped off.

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