Our main bruv!

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Okay so I said in the 'clear it up' that I would draw him so I did. You might have to zoom in to see the writing i did on his reference sheet. Also I was not kidding when I said I would make him ginger cuz that manz is ginger as hell.

 Also I was not kidding when I said I would make him ginger cuz that manz is ginger as hell

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Okay okay so for my posting schedule- I will post every Saturday. Usually the the chapters are long so I got that going on, also a lot of the first chapters are just dumb shit. I forgot to mention(or maybe i did i don't remember) that they will be living together. They live in a dimension that is none of theirs since Miguel's canon event theory got debunked like shit. So this is basically like life if they lived together. So uh yea, that's all.

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