Sick him!

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❗️A happy Miguel❗️

Also had to give this to yall since i didn't post for like damn near 3 bad😶

3rd pov
Today was club day. The arach-parents and arachkids couldn't be happier. Club day was the one day they knew they would enjoy being at HQ all day, club day is self explanatory meaning that you go to your club you are in on friday's. None of them thought they would enjoy it as much as they thought but they do and another reason why they enjoy club day as much as they do is not only because they enjoy the clubs but they get some time to themselves(and the others in the club too). As much as they all care about eachother, hell they need time away from eachother sometimes.—Miguel opened the portal and walked through with everyone following. All of them talking loud as shit as usual. "Come on we're gonna be late!" Peter B says damn near skipping through HQ with a fucking cape on. "It's the only day of the week I get to hang out with people I actually like!" Everyone stops talking and looks offended at him and Peter B back tracks nervously. Then he just leaves running to his club. Miguel rolls his eyes "Okay see you all back here at 5:00." Miguel says walking to his club, which was anger management club. If that wasn't obvious Miguel definitely needed that. Hobie and Gwen walked to music club. Miles(1610 and 42) walked to art club, Pav went to synchronized swimming club, Dreyko went to strategy club. Oh and Peter? Peter B ran to fantasy club, hence the cape. Not even 5 minutes into the club their was already yelling from anger management club, Dreyko opens the door peaking his head out "Can you guys keep it down?!" Then out of no where the door to the anger management club flys open because a chair was thrown at it, flinging the door of its hinges. "YOU KEEP IT DOWN!!" Miguel yells. Dreyko walks out looking at Miguel like he's stupid. Miguel scowls walking out and he grabs the chair and door, he throws the chair back in the room and he slams the door back on its hinges and he slams the door shut. Dreyko walks over to fantasy club because the door and chair landed close to them and he wanted to makes sure they were good, he knocked and Peter B opened the blinds but just enough for his eyes to be visible. When Peter B spoke, he spoke in this heavily accented speech as if he was from a fantasy world "Who be there?" Peter B asks rolling his R's "Uh it's me Dreyko." "Be you orc?" "Nah." "Be you dwarf?" "Nada." "Be you bearer of savory snacks for the elders?" "No im Dreyko." "Then be gone!" He says closing the blinds. Dreyko rolls his eyes, that's when Pav walks up to him "How come your still out here?" Pav asks confused because the clubs started 6 minutes ago "Oh Miguel was tweaking and I was making sure they was good. But also they are setting up the games in there so I got time." Pav lights up grabbing Dreyko's hand "Wait come here! Come check out my club!" Pav drags him to the pool....Pav was already swimming in the pool moving along in sync with everyone else and Dreyko laughs watching Pav but not because it was bad or something but because Pav was having fun. He likes it when his friends have fun. "It looks cool as shit Pav but I gotta get back to my club!" "Okay! Bye!" He waves and Dreyko leaves going back to his club. Meanwhile in anger management.... "So I uh had a setback." Miguel says.

At the moment Miguel wasn't the boss he was just another spider like everyone else, though still no one dared cross a line and get too comfortable. "I shot my dry cleaner." Everyone gasps and Miguel tried to make it not sound as bad "It was only a water pistol! But I just kept shooting! It didn't get the goddamn stain out my shirt good enough! It was useless and it failed me!" The spider therapists eyes widen and they look down at the clipboard and the back at Miguel and then writes on the clipboard "What are you writing?" Miguel says kind of defensively "Oh nothing." The therapist says and the writing says 'Call the police'. Meanwhile with the fantasy club.... "I be the elder mage of this here tavern!" Peter B. says and Mayday waves her wand and Peter B. smiles "Oh great elder mage, will you grant o' young paladin's strength of a thousand men."(Those are all words right?💀) One spider says kneeling to Peter B. and Peter B. looks down on the spider and the to all of the spiders in the club "Whose to say you all are worthy?" Another spider steps up "I am the worthiest! I have gone up against a great beast that is grand in size, breathing hot fire on those who enter its range!" One spider 'raises its eyebrow' "We have all dealt with Miguel after eating baked beans! You aren't the worthiest!" Meanwhile in Music club.... "Oh cool! Hobie teach me that riff! I almost have it down!" Hobie walks over to another spider and he step by step shows them how he did the riff, then when the spider thinks they have it down both Hobie and them do it together. Earning claps from some of the spiders who were watching, the spider thanks Hobie and Hobie smiles saying your welcome. Gwen walks over to Hobie "Aww look at Hobes bonding!" Hobie rolls his eyes kissing his teeth "I always bond. A bit daft to say I don't." Gwen rolls her eyes. Gwen the grabs Hobie's guitar out of his hand which surprises him and she after a few tries internally going over the strings she completely copies Hobie's riff that he practiced earlier. Hobie raises his eyebrow "Oh?" Hobie grabs his guitar and after maybe 30 seconds he comes up with a new riff off top, Hobie looks at Gwen basically challenging her and Gwen takes him up on the challenge grabbing his guitar and she quickly recreates his riff almost messing it up but she very quickly caught herself so it wasn't noticeable. Hobie furrows his eyebrows and he snatches the guitar and he immediately starts doing another riff coming up with it as he plays which makes it really intricate and long. Gwen furrows her eyebrows as she glares at him and she grabs his guitar copying the riff again though she's not focused on Hobie but the right strings. Hobie was really finna kill her. Meanwhile in art club.....Miles(42) had looked up a reference to do this drawing in his art club sketchbook. The reference of two people looking at eachother face to face holding hands, he imagined them as Dreyko and him. Though he wished he could have found a decent one of two men but he would just settle for a man and woman. They people in the reference were Black so it was more bearable. Miles(42) had began on the drawing but he realized that he would technically have to draw Dreyko half naked since the guy had no shirt on, the thought made blush creep to his cheeks and he focused on other things to distract himself from that. Miles(1610) had walked over and he giggled which made Miles(42) kiss his teeth covering his sketch. "Why would you cover it?! Man it was so cute!" Miles(42) slowly uncovers his sketchbook "Let me show you mine!" Miles grabs his art club sketchbook and he shows it to Miles(42) it was just them(arachkids + Miles 42) on the page. Miles(42) mumbles an 'I like it..' and Miles(1610) just continues to smile and Miles(42) gestures for Miles(1610) and he walks over leaning over Miles(42) "Yea?" "Um've seen Dreyko naked right?" "Well not his bottom half." Miles(1610) says chuckling after "That's fine, is this right? I can't tell, i've only seen him once." Miles(1610) nods "Yea! That's right! Awww look at you!" Miles(1610) says shaking him but he makes sure his pencil isn't on the page so he doesn't mess up his drawing. "Shut up!" Meanwhile in synchronized swimming....Pav was twirling in the water gracefully and someone lifts him up out the water and he smiles as he gracefully drops back down, "Pav how do you do that?" A spider asks with admiration "I don't know really but it's so easy!" The other spiders groan "What?!" "Is this like how being spider-man is easy?" "Oh my gosh I took it back! I apologized! I'm sorry!" Pav sadly sinks down to the bottom pouting with his arms and legs cross and the other spiders groan and the one that was talking to him swims down and they help him get back up "I'm sure it is easy to do the move." Pav lights up and smiles "See?!" Meanwhile in strategy club..... Dreyko was playing Jenga with the other spiders and at the moment he was trying to figure out how to not knock over a piece "Come on Dreyko! How hard could it possibly be?" "It is hard Margo! I have to use a good strategy and plan! Stop throwing off my concentration!" "Well why aren't you concentrating?! Concentrate!" Another spider yells and Dreyko scowls at them before he painstakingly grabs a jenga piece carefully and he puts it at the top. "You couldn't have done that 10 minutes ago?!" "Fuck off Margo! It's called strategy club for a reason! Not do shit 10 minutes ago and fuck up club!"

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