You know you'll always be my bae!

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❗️No warnings❗️

3rd pov
It was hot. Scorching if you will. And on these hot days the Spider-fam couldn't handle it, they never do. You will always find somebody complaining and by somebody it's always everybody. Like today it was 97 doing a 100 and their AC wasn't doing jack shit but pushing the hot air around, and them opening windows obviously wouldn't help either so now they are stuck in the hot ass living room with all they hot ass breath. "Bruhh it is so hot! The devil hotboxing in this bitch? Shit!" Dreyko groans waving the fan faster in front of his face, everyone else groans in agreement "How long will it be like this?" Gwen asks whining and Miles checks his phone and groans stomping his feet "For another 5 hours!" Everyone groans again "Bro these frozen peas are doing nothing for my junk." Dreyko says shifting around and Miguel sighs "After this we are burning those peas." "I don't know how you Americans deal with this heat! Got a bruv sweating over in these ends!" "Maybe if you all would stop talking your hot breath wouldn't be adding to the room." Jessica says waving her fan and Pav nods "Yes I have to agree." "So you want us to all sit in silence?" Gwen questions as she grabs her towel wiping down her face, "Okay that's it! I can't! I'm taking my shirt off- Move!" Dreyko moves Hobie's legs from his lap and he stands up walking to the bathroom and 3 mins later he comes back throwing his shirt in his room and he walks back in the living room "Okay I just put 7 coats of deodorant on and my armpits is as white as Gwens cooking-" Gwen makes a offended expression "-So nobody better complain!" Dreyko walks back over to his spot on the couch next to a now wheezing Hobie because of his joke on Gwens cooking "It's so true though!" Gwen raises her eyebrow "Your british Hobes! British people also can't season their food!" Gwen retorts and Hobie is now the one to make a offended expression "Are you out of your blasted mind? Those are WHITE brits not BLACK  brits! Don't you EVER lump my cooking skills with them! You basically just called me a slur!" "WHAT?!" "Oh my g- SHUT UP! Both of your people can't cook!" Miles says being annoyed as the heat is making him sweaty in places he doesn't want to be "My people?" Hobie says "Are you saying the because i'm Black?" "Hobart Brown. We both are Black. That version of your people is my people!" "Oh right. My bad."

Hobie groans shifting uncomfortably on the couch and the fan stopped working an hour ago but he wanted to give it hope. Everyone else went to go get hand held electric fans but Hobie and Dreyko decided to stay back because the heat was too unbearable. Dreyko looks over to him and sees he looks annoyed so he grabs his arms using a towel to wipe his arms and his face and neck "Thank you." "Why don't you just take your shirt off?" Hobie hesitates for a second and Dreyko notices but he doesn't say anything, Hobie nods and he gets up going to his room and Dreyko waits for him. When he realizes that it's been a while he calls out for Hobie "Stink you okay?" After a minute Hobie responds "Yea just- just come here." Dreyko stands up and he kind of quick walks to his room because he heard a unfamiliar quiver in Hobies voice and Dreyko walks through the door and he sees Hobie standing in front of his mirror with his shirt that he was previously wearing he held in front of his chest. "Stink? What's wrong?" Hobie turns to him and he sighs and he quickly says "So I never said anything about this because I didn't think it mattered but I guess it was also because I was scared." "Hobie what's wrong? I'm mad confused right now." Hobie takes another breath and he says "I'm trans." Dreyko's eyes widen. He doesn't say anything just staring at Hobie and Hobie starts to feel awkward "Say something..." "Well you are right. It don't matter because I still care about you. But I just...I don't know- I just don't get why you would be afraid to tell me." "Well it's just I- I don't know! I just was!" "But Hobie you know how I am. You know how my parents are." "I know but i've lost friends because of this and I didn't want to lose my best mate." Dreyko shakes his head walking over to Hobie "Bro that will never happen." Hobie slightly smiles and he pulls down the shirt, he had put on KT tape to cover/bind his chest and Dreyko looks curiously "Bro cool tape!" Hobie laughs "Thanks for that and for giving a damn about me." Dreyko playfully nudges Hobie "You know you'll always be my bae!" Dreyko says smiling and Hobie nudges him back while he looking at him smiling and he puts his arm around his waist "🎵And you'll always be my boo!🎵" Then they both sing together as Dreyko puts his arm over Hobie's shoulder "🎵Your friendship gets me through the trials of the day!🎵" "🎵And the darkness of the evening! Too, wooooooo!🎵" They hug and Dreyko makes a questioning face "What?" "If you didn't want me to know then why did you shower with me?- wait how did i never notice?" Dreyko asks but he says the last part as a question more to himself "Well I knew you would respect my boundaries and not look so I felt comfortable. I always feel comfortable around you." Dreyko smiles more and he rests his forehead on Hobie's and making Hobie's cheeks darken but he inevitably smiles too, but then they both jump when they hear the door open "Wait does everyone know?" "No just Gwendy. I don't want everyone to know yet, I want to tell them on my own." Dreyko nods understanding "Cool shit. I'm also guessing you not about to walk out like that?" Hobie thinks for a minute and he shakes his head "Not yet." Dreyko nods and he breaks the hug "Okay, imma keep it zip zip zipped!" Hobie laughs as Dreyko quickly walks out. When Hobie puts his shirt on he walks out and he sees everyone with their fan and Dreyko hands him his fan and Hobie turns it on and he sighs when the cold air hits him, "So guys I was thinking-" Miles starts and everyone looks to him "-That we go to the beach! It's the perfect day and time!" "Hell yea! Let's go to the beach!" Gwen says agreeing and her and Miles high five, "Ooo the beach? That sounds fun!" Pav says having a little gleam in his eyes, "Okay then I guess we're going to the beach." Miguel says and then Dreyko immediately says right after "So does that mean Peter can't wear a robe and house slides? Finally!" Peter B rolls his eyes "If it wasn't so hot then I would wear them just to piss you off!" "So are we going to the beach or are we just going to argue? Cause if thats the case then I will just go by myself." Jessica says crossing her arms and Dreyko runs to his room "Nah i'm coming!"

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