What you mean you aint got no black and mild!

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3rd pov
Dreyko was walking down with Hobie and Miles(42) down his street, it was so damn quiet because those hard heads refused to talk to eachother. At this point it was getting stupid and mad old. "Will you both introduce yourselves to eachother?" Dreyko says and Hobie rolls his eyes looking down at Miles and Miles looks up at him mean mugging "Miles fix your face." Dreyko says and Miles kisses his teeth not particularly at Dreyko but just in general "I don't want to talk to pezado de mierda. He tried to choke me out!" "Rightfully so, how was I supposed to know you weren't trying to kill him?! That you were just snogging?" "Firstly what the fuck does even mean?" "Like kissing and cuddling but in our instance cuddling." "Okay, well secondly open your eyes?! We were right there! Thirdly you could tell he wasn't being harmed!" Hobie rolls his eyes "Oh get off my sack! I made one mistake! It's not like a bloke killed you." "You would have. I don't even care that you tried to choke me out....I just want a fucking apology. I don't care if you don't trust me or whatever, I just want you to apologize." Hobie looks at him and he groans, "fine Fine FINE! Okay, i'm sorry." Dreyko looks at Hobie motioning to Miles who had turned around and was looking at the ground being upset and pissed. Hobie sighs walking up to him and he turns him around. "Soz' I choked you out and tried to kill you. It wasn't right on behalf, my nut was just clusterfucked because I haven't seen this muppet for a week and I was afraid, get what I mean? But it's not an excuse. You didn't deserve that mate." Miles looks at Dreyko "Nut is like your brain, Soz' is sorry, clusterfuck is like a bad ass mess or something, and muppet is an insult meaning your stupid." Miles nods "Also I guess I was wrong. You've been treating Dreyko like a good friend this past month and you haven't given any reason to not trust you so i'm sorry for that too." Miles looks down and kicks a stone and he sighs "I forgive you. I honestly don't even hate you like that. I think your cool and kinda fine too but you just too damn goofy." Miles says looking up and Hobie smiles dumbly twirling his wick around "Lil ol' me?" Miles kisses his teeth pointing at Hobie while looking at Dreyko "This is the shit i'm talking about!" Dreyko laughs "So are y'all good?" "Yea we good." Miles says, they make it to his parents apartmen. They walk in and they go to the elevator tapping the number and they wait and as they get closer Miles hands start to sweat. He starts to feel tense and nervous but why? They walk out the elevator and walk down the hall and his stomach starts to turn and his breathing gets uneven, "I-I...I can't do this." They turn to see Miles about to walk away but Hobie grabs his arm "No your going to do this." "I can't- what if they don't like me? What if they prefer the other Miles and i'm not what they expect?!" Hobie shakes his head and kisses his teeth "I promise you that's not them. They will love you, they love everybody. They know your different from the Miles they have met. They won't compare you." Hobie says calmly and Miles' nerves start to calm down "You think?" Hobie nods "They love us freaks. I mean look at Drey." Miles laughs and he nods "Okay. If your wrong i'm shoving your guitar up your ass and then i'm going to keep feeding you and feeding you and feeding you-" "Yea I think I got it deary." Hobie says patting Miles' shoulder. They walk to the door and Dreyko knocks and after a couple seconds it opens and his parents smile greeting him, they see Hobie and they greet and hug him and then Hobie moves out the way and see Miles standing there awkwardly "Oh my god, he's so precious!" Adio says hugging him and he softly smiles hugging back "Dont talk about him like he's dog." Dajian says shaking his head and he hugs Miles "Excuse her-" "Dont excuse me I meant what I said!" "Yes dear." Miles softly laughs "My name is Adio! And my husbands is Dajian!" Miles nods "My name is Miles Morales- wait you already know that shit!- wait I didn't mean to cuss-" Adio laughs "Calm down. It's okay. Your a different person. Introduction is necessary when your meeting some new right?" She says smiling and Miles nods smiling back. Dajian walks him over to their couch while Adio locks back the door and they sit on the couch "So Miles. Tell us about yourself." Miles looks at Dreyko and Hobie and they motion to Adio and Dajian and Miles nods and he begins.

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