Move around Hobart.

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I also want to clarify that some of these chapters might skip to different months(so last chapter they might have been in school but now they are in summer) okay okay so ages(Last chapter Dreyko-17, Hobie-18 , Miles-16(i believe his birthday is in august so he's finna be 17 soon as well), Gwen-17, Pav-17)

edit: i fucked up the ages- so i changed them

3rd pov
"Dreyko you need to check in at headquarters." Says Miguel for the third time that hour "Can you do it for me? I would do it but it''s too far." Says Dreyko doing a grabbing motion with his hand "Get off your ass." Dreyko groans standing up "Fuck you and your wig!" Dreyko makes a portal and walks through and 3 minutes later he walks back "See was that so hard?" "Get off my ass homophobe." "How am I homophobic." "You made me do work during June. No ally would ever." Miguel rolls his eyes starting to walk away and Miles walks in the kitchen "Hey papi!" Says Dreyko and Miles and Miguel groans "I wish you would stop calling me Papi." "I wish I could stop hearing it." Dreyko rolls his eyes and walks over to Miles kissing his forehead "Sure you do." Miles and Dreyko have a close platonic intimate relationship, everyone who would witness Dreyko hugging Miles for a long time or Miles always laying on him or even Dreyko calling him papi would think they we're together and that went on for a month. The only reason their relationship is like this is because that's their platonic love language with eachother. Extreme affection. They show affection to eachother a lot because they have comfort in the other. So they dont feel weird or wrong to do it infront of others. Miles smiles from the forehead kiss and he hands Dreyko an orange "Oo!" Miles laughs "Where's Gwen? She still sleep?" "Yea her patrol ran long last night." Dreyko nods as he finishes peeling the skin and he eats the orange. "Miles wanna draw with me?" Miles smiles bigger and nods "Come on Smiley Miley." "Stick to Papi." Dreyko laughs loud and they walk into Miles room and Miles grabs his and Dreyko's sketchbooks and they sit next to eachother with their back touching eachother so they are facing away from eachother. Dreyko puts a 5 minute timer on his phone and he starts it and they begin drawing. They do this thing where they draw what they can for 5 minutes and they switch and continue the drawing until it's been 10 swaps. After 5 minutes they swap but before they draw anything Dreyko stands up "Hold on I draw best when I smoke!" Miles shakes his head but nods anyways allowing Dreyko to smoke in his room. He gets up pulling up the window so it won't stink his room up too much, Dreyko comes back with a blunt and a lighter and he lights it up and he smokes it and he offers it to Miles and Miles hesitates but he takes it and he smokes it blowing the smoke out slowly before gagging and handing it back and Dreyko laughs. They start drawing again and when it's 1 minute left Dreyko snakes his hand around and tickes Miles stomach and Miles laughs "S-Stop! Let me finish!" Dreyko smiles stopping as he finishes up too and the timer goes off and they switch again. They draw for another five minutes and Dreyko leans back more making Miles hunch over and smile raising his eyebrow questioningly and he chuckles because he knows when Dreyko smokes he gets real lazy with his body weight. "Really bro?" "What you want me to do about it then?"

The timer goes off and Miles sets down the sketchbook and he lays Dreyko in between his legs so his head is on his stomach and he grabs his sketchbook resting it on the top of his hair "Is this okay? Are you comfortable?" "Comfortable with the feeling or the action?" "Both." "Yes." "To what?" "Both." Dreyko starts the timer again and they switch and begin drawing and half way through Miles covers Dreyko's eyes and Dreyko kisses his teeth moving his hand "Bruh!" Miles laughs which would obviously make Dreyko laugh as well and Dreyko caringly rubs Miles leg "Are you feeling okay? My fat ass head ain't too much weight on your stomach?" Miles laughs again "No! I'm fine!" The timer goes off and they switch again and they do that until it's been 10 swaps, "Okay you ready?" Miles nods and they show the drawing and they both gasp "Damn! Okay look at you Miles!" Miles giggles "It's not just me it's also you! But look I would have never thought to add that! I love it so much!" Dreyko smiles "You want to ink this later?" Miles nods. Dreyko stands up cracking his back and and he walks to Miles' window and he gestures for Miles to come out with him and he does and they sit on the steps, Dreyko holds Miles close with his arm around his shoulder having the courtesy to not blow the smoke in his face "How was school this year?" Asks Dreyko "Oh it was okay. A lot of tests. So I had to study a lot. I also want to thank you for inviting us to the fair last month, it really helped me relax." Dreyko smiles and kisses Miles' forehead "Anytime papi." "Look at you ruining the mood." Dreyko laughs again "Sure." Dreyko smokes his blunt blowing the smoke out Miles' face "How long have we been drawing?" "We drew for like almost an hour i think." "Damn i thought so because this thing just about gone." "Rey." "Hmm?" "Will you come meet my parents tomorrow? The only friend they know is Gwen and that didn't go well." Dreyko laughs "Have fun introducing them to Hobie because isn't your dad also a cop?" "Yea...." "Your doing me first because you know I could soften the blow for Hobarts ass right?" Miles nods "Yea basically. I know you don't like them too but you just don't care enough to say it." "True. But yea i'll do it for you. Whatever you need papi." He says pulling Miles closer "Also you can't call me papi in front of my parents especially my dad. They will get the wrong idea." Dreyko rolls his eyes "Fine. Whatever makes you happy." Dreyko puts out his blunt after blowing the last bit of smoke and he kisses Miles' cheek "Come on." They get up and walk back into Miles' room and Dreyko walks out grabbing so frebreeze and Miles closes the sketchbooks before Dreyko starts spraying it all throughout the room. He does it twice before putting it back, "Let's get something to eat." They walk out Miles' room and they see Pav and Hobie dancing to just dance quite literally giving it their best efforts "Not y'all actually trying for Just Dance." "Fuck off!" Says Hobie as he's trying to concentrate "Atleast I don't have to smoke weed everyday just to live." Dreyko laughs "True." Hobie ended up winning "Told you mate, no one can best me!" "Then can I try?" Dreyko stands up and Pav hands him the controller "Come on bae-bae." Hobie kicks him and Dreyko laughs and they start. "Oh it's a tie-" Hobie and Dreyko cut off Gwen by yelling "TIE?!" Dreyko scoffs loudly "This shit is ass." "Obviously. I definitely won." "Uh no the fuck you didnt? Who out here lying to yo big headed ass?" "Bitch- I was over here giving it my all, literally sweat coming from my armpits and they have the audacity to say I tied with a dumb twat like you." Dreyko gasps "You did not just call me that!" "Oh I did." "Nah move around Hobart. I am not the one." "Can both of y'all drop it? You both won, doesn't that count for something?" "Fuck off Pav." "Aye don't tell Pav to fuck off." "Thank you-" "But seriously fuck off Pav." Pav shakes his head.

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