Only when you do it

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3rd pov
Dreyko was the first to wake up. His eyes opened slowly and he used his hand to wipe the eye boogers out his eyes, he turned his head to see it was 8:30 Am and he groaned because he never be waking up this early. Not even for school. Dreyko was going to stretch but he felt something heavy on his arm which was numb by the way, he turned his head the other direction to see Miles laying on his arm cuddled up to his side. He thought it was cute because his Miles does that all the time when they sleep together, it's adorable to him how many similarities he's finding between the two after Miles swore up and down how different they were. To which he wasn't wrong because their are big differences between the two but there are so many little similarities, but Dreyko was snapped out his thoughts and his smile dropped when he noticed his tear stained cheeks and how deep his eye bags were and how his face had a soft frown. This shit wasn't fair. Why should any variant of Miles go through any trauma like this? He doesn't deserve that. As Dreyko was going through his mental argument, Miles was starting to stir awake so Dreyko panics and the only thing he can think to do is fake fall back asleep. When Miles does wake up he questions what is he laying on because it feels nothing like a pillow so he feels around and as he's feeling he's not even realizing that he's feeling on Dreyko's stomach area while Dreyko is just staring in disbelief and shock, when Miles opens his eyes he looks down and he just stiffens and he shoots up which was Dreyko's cue to close his eyes quick. Miles looks over terrified, he sees Dreyko is still 'asleep' which makes him relax and he lets out a deep breath he was holding. He holds his chest because his heart was beating so fast that it might as well jump out his chest, he looks back at Dreyko to double check and Dreyko was still asleep so he decides to leave it at that. He carefully moves over Dreyko to get out the bed and he looks at his clock and it was 8:41 Am so he had about less than an hour until it was time for school. He usually stayed at his dorm but after his dad's death he couldn't just leave his mom like that so he mostly spends his time here, after calculating how much time he has left he walks to his drawers and he grabs his freshly washed uniform and some boxers. He walks out the room to his bathroom and when Dreyko hears the door close he sighs with relief, meanwhile.... "Where the fuck is he?! It's been 2 fucking bloody days!" Hobie yells at Miguel "Dont you think I know that?! I'm trying- we're all trying! If you haven't goddamn noticed! His watch is probably broken so we can't track it so that kinda stumps us doesn't it?!" "Well bloody try harder! He could be dying and we won't be able to help him!" Miguel takes a deep breath and he turns to Gwen "Please escort him out that door before I knock him out." Hobie goes wide eyed "Oh word? Do it then! I bloody dare you, touch me! Do-" Gwen covers Hobie's mouth pushing him out the room so Miguel and Soider-Byte can work on finding Dreyko without Hobie's worrisome comments. "Come on Hobes lets go find Miles and Pav and calm down." Hobie shoves off Gwen walking to where Pav took Miles to calm down because he was also being hysterical, the difference between Miles and Hobie in this moment was that Hobie was cussing EVERYONE out while Miles was just spiraling out of control while crying badly. "b-but pav w-what if-" Pav shakes his head bringing Miles in a tight side hug "No we can't think like that." "b-but it's been two days! there's been no sign of getting him back! it's hopeless!" Pav sighs "I know but we have to believe. Like hopeless. The word isn't void of hope and neither should we." Miles wipes his tears "o-okay." "Dreyko wouldn't want to see you like this. Let's go clean you up-" When Pav and Miles stand up Hobie calls out "Miles!" Miles turns and sees Hobie running to him and he hugs him and Miles hugs back "Are you okay?" Miles buries his face in Hobie's chest. Miles wants to lie for the sake of making Hobie feel better but how can he when Hobie can see right through him anyway. "no..." "Neither am i."

(Back to Earth 42)
When Miles is washing himself he thinks about it. He thinks about how it felt. How it felt to wake up on time once and not 3 times through the night because the nightmares are keeping you up. How it felt to feel someone. For someone to hold you or for someone to let you hold them for comfort. How it felt to lay next to someone with a nurturing feel to them. How it feels to finally rest. To finally dream. But he could never tell Dreyko all of this. He's only known him a day and plus he's not worth it anyways. So he just worries about washing his hair, he was so taken aback yesterday that he didn't put his bonnet on which he regrets. But come to think of it Dreyko didn't ask for one, which is weird. He'll never say it out loud but he thinks Dreyko has good hair. By good hair he means that he takes good care of it so not wearing a bonnet seems like a no-go. Did he....'Wash your damn hair.' Miles says to himself in his head so he does. He takes his braids out and he softly rubs his scalp and tousled thick curls, then as he's wetting his hair there's a knock at the door "Yes?" Miles says "Um it's uh Dreyko and uh do you mind if I borrow your slides?" Dreyko's says and he says it loud enough for Miles to hear above all the noise from the shower. Miles makes a confused expression because when he saw Dreyko's feet the first thing that popped into his head was humongous(they not even that big-Dreyko) so how could his big feet fit into his slides? "Arent your feet too big?" "Well I found slides in your closet that are big enough." 'Why was this fool-' "The black ones?" "Yes." Miles sighs "Sure." "Okay! Thanks mi conejito!" Miles yet again stiffens at that name 'My little bunny.' Miles wonders if he knows what that means because there's no way after a day of knowing him he's calling him that. Miles groans loud because why is he thinking about this? This doesn't matter. He does not matter! After his little internal conflict Miles finally finishes washing his hair so he steps out the shower turning the water off and he grabs his towel drying off his body. He checks the clock and sees the shower took like 25 minutes so he tries to speed up drying his hair while brushing his teeth, when he finishes drying his hair and brushing his teeth he grabs some gel putting it on down the part of his hair and he grabs his comb cleaning it up and he begins to braid his hair on one side and while he's doing that he hears a knock "Yes?" "Mijo have you seen Dreyko?" "Uh like 30 minutes ago he asked if he could borrow my slides. Maybe he went out?" "And you didn't ask him where?!" "" Mrs. Morales groans loudly "Well his things are still in your room so maybe he'll come back." She says and with that she walks away and that leaves Miles thinking, 'Did he leave? That doesn't seem right. It doesn't make sense.' Miles sighs and he starts to braid the other side, Miles needed to focus today. He had a big test and he had a hunt to do today with his uncle. He didn't have time to worry about that boy. After he finishes the braid he grabs to rubber bands putting them at the ends of his braids and he walks out the bathroom holding his towel up turning off the light and he opens his room door. He walks in closing his door and he grabs his lotion off his dresser and he puts lotion on his face, then on his arms, legs and his stomach and chest. He drops his towel and he grabs the boxers he picked out looking in his long mirror adjusting them, he grabs his uniform pants putting them on and he struggles a bit because they look so hideous. They aren't flattering to him. But he makes it work plus the jacket will blend it in better anyways. Miles puts the white shirt on buttoning it up and he puts the jacket on and he looks around and he finds his favorite purple 1s and he puts them on and he quickly laces them up and he grabs his bookbag. He checks the time and he has about 20 minutes left so he's going to go eat his breakfast, he grabs his phone and headphones and sketchbook putting his sketchbook in his bookbag and he walks out his room and downstairs. "Okay Mijo go ahead and eat so I can take you to school." Miles looks at his mom and he sees how stressed she looks "Mamí." She looks at him "I'll walk today. Go to work." (Can't remember ow far this nigga's school is so in this it's walking distance) " no I will take you to school." "Mamí please just go. I'll be fine. I'll call you when I get there I promise." Mrs. Morales is hesitant but she walks over to Miles and kisses his forehead "Call me okay? If anything happens or if your feeling scared okay?" Miles nods "Okay- uh okay I'll be going now. Eat. Have a good day and i know you'll do good on your test! I love you!" "Yo tambien te amo Mamí." Miles says and he watches his mom walk out the door and she closes the door. Miles eats his breakfast as he scrolling through instagram for some type of distraction until it's time to go. When he finishes his breakfast he grabs his bookbag and his keys and he walks out the house locking it, he begins his walk down the street to his school.

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