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❗️Smoking, sexual content(nothing crazy)❗️

I'm genuinely surprised it took me this long to do sum sexual in this book💀lowkey proud

3rd pov
Dreyko was on a call with Hobie. Dreyko had called him as soon as he woke up the next day so he can get all the details for the party. "So when is the party?" "Umm it's it's around 9:30? So be ready around 4:30 to 5. Since you love getting there on time and all that." Dreyko chuckles because of Hobie would would say some shit like that "Aren't you hosting the party?" Dreyko asks and Hobie scoffs "I'm one of the hosters. But what does that shite have to do with me doing what I want?" Hobie said raising his eyebrow even through Dreyko obviously couldn't see "You always do what you want." Hobie laughs "Of course love!" Dreyko smokes his blunt and then the line goes silent "Dreyko." "Hmm?" "You have a spliff right now?" "No." The line is silent again before he groans "Yes." "I am still confused about why you tell me these lies like I give a tom tit. I'm just confused because you said you were taking your usual breaks." "Yea yea." "Anyways I have to get everything ready so I'll come get you, yea?" "Aight whatever works for you." "Okay. I see you later love." "Bye bae-bae." Hobie chuckles at the name "Bye." Hobie hangs up and Dreyko puts his phone on the counter and he puts out his blunt, Dreyko hadn't been to a party in almost 3 years. He didn't plan on doing any 'substances' there he knew he needed a break from the smoking so the blunt he had was going to be the last for awhile. He liked taking breaks when it came to smoking because even though he doesn't plan on stopping he still knows he has to atleast ration how much he smokes. He decided to walk to his room and go in his closet and pick out some clothes, he didn't have nothing extravagant in his closet at his apartment but he didn't mind it because he wasn't finna dress up anyways. He didn't wanna stand out more than he already was know...the hair. When he got his clothes picked out he decided to go to the grocery store to get some snacks to eat, he was hungry as hell but let's be for real whats new. So when he was outside his apartment he got in his car and he drives off, he makes it to the grocery store and he gets out his car but not before spraying himself in some cologne so it makes his smell better because he smelled like weed. He personally doesn't mind the smell of weed obviously but sometimes the stereotypes were mad annoying and he wasn't in the mood. He walks in and he grabs a basket and he walks through the store picking up some slim jim's, chips, some chocolate, cheez-itz, etc. Then he bumped into someone and he dropped their things so he picked it up "My bad- Oh hey." He hands Hayden her things and she takes it "Hey." They both felt awkward in the situation, they hadn't really spoken for real in months. They didn't know how to start or what to do, so Hayden is the first to speak up. "Dreyko." He looks at her "I'm honestly so sorry. I shouldn't have been jealous like that or threatened by your friends or said those things about Hobie. I guess when I saw the way you looked at them, it kind of made me feel less than." Dreyko doesn't say anything at first but he does put his hand on her head and pulls her into a hug "I wish you would have said something earlier." She hugs him back because honestly she's missed him as a friend "Me too. But can I be honest?" "Always." "I don't think we were good together. Or more like we weren't meant to be, you know?" Dreyko nods "Yea. I still love you though." "I do too but you don't love me like that." "No...." "You know who you do love?"She says teasingly but Dreyko breaks the hug and furrows his eyebrows "Who?" She also furrows her eyebrows and she laughs but when she sees he's serious she stops laughing "Wait you seriously don't know?" "No?" "It's Hobie and Miles."

"Hold on, hold on. Huh? What you mean Hobie and Miles? What about them?" "Father God- Dreyko you love them!" He quirks his head confused "Well yea we're friends-" "No you clown dummy. I mean your in love with them. It's so fucking obvious." Dreyko shakes his head in disbelief not just because she thinks he loves Hobie and Miles like that but also because she called him a damn clown dummy "No I don't. It's not like that." "It is like that. I bet it's been like that for a year. You make it so painfully obvious that your in love with them." "How?" "God just the way you stare at them alone. You look like you melt everytime they even speak a syllable. Your also so touchy with them, it made me jealous as hell because you used to touch me like that." "Huh? Wait-" "Your hands were either on their hips, waist, or around their shoulder. The constant forehead and cheek kissing too. Yea that grinded my gears honestly. When you talk about them you sounded like you were talking about your long lost love or some shit." Dreyko's brain is going 1000 miles per hour, the information is overstimulating him so he puts his basket down and sits down rubbing his head and Hayden notices and she sits down next to him. "Sorry babes. Didn't mean to overstimulate you." Dreyko sighs "Even if I did like them, would that work? Me being with three other people?" "Three? There's someone else?" Dreyko stammers trying for come up with something "Well uhh...Miles has a twin named Matias and everything you said I do to them i've done to him as well, so I used what little brain strength I have a put 2 and 2 together." "Damn so I had 0 chance? Good to know." "Hayden." "I'm joking. But you know Polyamory exists right?" "Well yea but I don't know if they would be into it. Especially Matias. Wait ew- would Matias and Miles have to date?" Hayden immediately shakes her head "No no! Polyamory is different in some ways." Dreyko nods sighing in relief. "The bottom line is you need to talk to them. Together." Dreyko nods "Yea. I'm not saying I do like them or am in love with them as you say but if I found out I am i'll remember this." She pats his head "Good." They stand up and hug one last time and they grab their baskets "Are we good? Friends?" Hayden asks and Dreyko nods "For sure." "Also you smell like weed." She says walking away and he smells himself and groans "Dammit!"...When Dreyko gets back in his car he gets a call from Hobie and he answers "Hey bae-bae." He says with an instant smile "Hey sugar. Getting all of the bloody supplies for a party is so annoying." Dreyko takes a long pause before saying "Wait I just realized. This party is in New London in the 70s. I'm really finna stick out like a wild Miguel in a therapists office." Hobie laughs loud "You just realized love? It will be fine. No one will pay attention to you other than my mates." "Are you sure you want me to come?" "Yes sugar. I've always wanted you to come to a party and see what your like! Bet your banging!" "Hobie that doesn't sound-" "I know what it bloody sounds like! I'm not taking it back!" Dreyko chuckles "So any reason in particular you called me?" Dreyko asked and on the other line Hobie nervously bites his lip teething at his lip ring and he says "I wanted to hear your voice." Dreyko's breath hitches as he grips the steering wheel, the conversation Hayden and him just had replays in his head. "Yea?" Hobie chuckles and Dreyko's chest feels hot "You okay? You sound out of breath?" "Nah nah i'm fine. Don't worry." "But yea I wanted to hear your voice, is it so bad that I missed it?" Then right after Hobie gasps dramatically "Do you not love me anymore?!" Dreyko laughs "Yea okay. That's the dumbest shit you could have ever said." "Oh really?" Hobie says offended "Yea because i'll never stop loving you!" Dreyko says smiling bigger and Hobie sighs "Your such a muppet." Dreyko kisses his teeth "Damn so like I can't get an I love you back? I get insulted instead. Typical british weirdo." Hobie laughs "Bruv quit bitchin'. Of course I love you."

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