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❗️A crying Hobart Brown❗️

3rd pov
What had been only three days had turned into a week, luckily it was a friday and Miles didn't have to wake up early the next day or care about some dumbass test. He could relax. "Miles!" Miles looks up from his phone to hear Dreyko calling his name from his room and he puts it down walking up the stairs and he opens his door "What?" "Yo you have a skateboard?" Miles raises his eyebrows and gasps "Put it back!" Miles says grabbing the skateboard "Why?" Dreyko questions. All Miles does is scowl, Dreyko just laughs because he's trying to be intimidating but what he doesn't realize is that he makes a certain face when he's embarrassed. Dreyko being Dreyko finds it cute. "....I never learned." Miles expected some smart ass remark but instead Dreyko smiled "Ooo even more reason to try it out! Come on!" Dreyko snatches the skateboard from Miles' hands and he grabs Miles' hand pulling him along but Miles resists "Where are we going?!" Miles asks "Outside stupid!" "Shut the fuck up. I'm not stupid idiota." He retorts and Dreyko just smiles. When they are outside Dreyko puts the skateboard on the ground and he puts one foot on it and he gets it started and he puts both feet on it laughing as he holds his arms out to keep his balance and before he could fall he grounds himself putting his foot back down smiling. "Come on conejito! Try it!" Dreyko says pushing the skateboard over with his foot. It hits Miles' shoe and he backs up a bit stuffing his hand in his hoodie, Dreyko jogs over and he holds out his hand "Come on you gotta try it! It's fun!" Miles huffs rolling his eyes and he grabs his hand putting one foot on the skateboard "No see you say that but what if I saer cabre mi culo? Ay no puedo eso es demasiado embarazoso-" Dreyko decides to mush Miles face together to get him to stop talking. He is quite literally no different than the other Miles, they both ramble when their nervous but the only difference is that this Miles does it in spanish and Dreyko barely understood what he said. "Stop caring bro. Just do it! If you do fall imma catch you!" Miles still looks hesitant  "Which foot do you write with?" Dreyko says tryna help but that just makes Miles draws a blank "Wait what?" "Nevermind that just go!" Miles just looks at him and then at the skateboard, Dreyko holds his hand out again and Miles takes it and he starts up the skate board and Dreyko runs with him as he holds his hand and Miles puts his other foot on the skateboard and he panics a little so Dreyko decides to distract him from it "Bro you look so cool! You remind me of those commercials of those dads being able to play with his kids again after he got his ovarian cancer cured!" Miles busts out laughing "What?!" "Dont act like i'm wrong!" Miles keeps laughing but not just because of Dreyko's stupid ass joke but because he was right. This was fun. Though because they weren't paying attention and the skateboard hit a rock which made them stumble and the fell in the grass laughing. "See?! Wasn't that fun? And I caught you!" Miles looks at Dreyko and he smiles plucking his forehead hard and Dreyko fake over-dramatically winces "Your still an idiota." Miles stands up and Miles helps Dreyko up. They played on the skateboard alittle more until they got tired and they went back inside. They had grabbed some water "Ko." Dreyko turns to Miles "Hm?" "My xbox is upstairs, i could plug it up to the tv down here and we could play some games." Dreyko lights up "Yea! Yea! Come on go get it!" Miles goes upstairs to get it and and Dreyko sat down on the couch excited, but because of everything that's happened in the past 4 days Dreyko forgot what he did 5 days ago.

"A signal! We got a signal!" Miguel yelled and everyone jumped up racing over to Miguel "It's the emergency button. He pressed it 5 days ago, his watch was definitely broken." Margo says "Can you find what dimension he's in?" Hobie says walking up to her "He's in....Earth 42!" Everyone puts their suit on "Miguel you should stay here in case you need to help us." Peter B says "Okay okay just get him. Miguel says trying to be calm but in reality his heart is racing a million miles per hour. Peter B nods and he makes a portal and everyone immediately jumps through. They run into a alleyway. They pull up their masks "Guys over here!" Pav says and they turn their heads to see him crouched down "There's dried blood here." "You don't think-" Hobie makes a frustrated noise getting annoyed already. They better have not been too late. But how could they have been? He sent the signal 5 days ago. "Peter can you track the signal?" Peter was already on it, as his watch beeped it showed him where it came from "Come on!" They followed Peter putting their masks back on swinging from building to building and it looked familiar to Miles. They must be in another dimension in New york, Brooklyn specifically. Though it's starting to get too familiar, he knew the streets and buildings they jumped and swung from. They were getting close to his house. It couldn't be. Not him. When Peter stops on the other side of the street in front of his house he knows it true "A apartment building?" "It's my mamí's." Miles says and everyone turns to him "Do you guys remember when I told you guys that I saw another version of me. He was the prowler. This is him." Before anything else could be said Hobie reacts quickly putting his mask back on and he shoots a web string swinging to the building and he swings on the top of the building "Hobie wait!" Gwen says following after him and everyone else does as well. Hobie checks the first window and to his surprise it opens, so he steps in and everyone follows. Hobie turns to Miles "Where's your room?" Miles points down and Hobie is quick as he holds his hand out to open the door but Peter B stops him "Calm down. You don't know what he's capable of. Be prepared." Peter B whispers so he doesn't give them away and Hobie stares at the door taking a deep breath and he opens the door fast and Dreyko jumps up putting his hand over his heart because damn did that scare the shit outta him. But him jumping up and squeezing Miles(42) closer from the shock wakes up Miles(42) from his sleep "Ko?" Miles(42) says groggily. Dreyko's eyes widen seeing them. He stands up but to his dismay he's pushed to the side by Hobie and Hobie grabs Miles(42) by the neck yelling all type of cuss words at him and Dreyko and everyone else grabs him trying to pry him off  "Hobie! Hobie! Chill! I'm fine!" When he successfully takes Hobie off Miles(42) he checks on him "Who the fuck are they-" Miles(42)'s eyes land on Miles(1610)'s and he stands up getting close but not too close because everyone but Dreyko was eyeing him closely "You?" Miles(42) is quick to turn to Dreyko "How do you know him?!" "Miles hold on-" "Wait is he the boy I remind you of? Him?" Dreyko sees the hurt in his eyes. He looks at his friends "Can you guys to wait outiside? I need to talk to him alone." Peter B nods as everyone walks out and Pav pushes Hobie out and they close the door. "You lied to me. You- why didn't you tell me?" "Really? Why didn't I tell the prowler I know his other dimension self and that i'm Spider man?" Miles(42) backs up "You knew?" "Yea." " doesn't scare you?" "Nah." "bu- Nevermind this! But that's where the gash came from? Being spider man?" "Yea." Miles looks at the door and he looks at Dreyko "And they came here for you." "Yea! That's kinda what they- or more so we do." Miles just looks up at Dreyko "Your leaving." Hes says blankly. Dreyko's smile slowly drops when it sinks in, hes leaving. Damn. "Miles-" "I don't care." "Huh?" "This is why you don't get vulnerable or weak. People always leave! People will always hurt you! They always promise you something they can't fulfill. Well I will never let my guard down again, so leave I don't care. I didn't need you anyways." Miles says and Dreyko puts his hand in Miles' hair " little bunny." Miles' lip quiver. That damn name. He hates that name. He hates he likes that name. He hates that he likes when Dreyko calls him that name. That stupid name. "I upset you." Dreyko says as a statement but Miles takes it as a question. "Yes! Isn't that obvious?!" Dreyko puts his hand on smiles' cheek "I'm hurting you right?" Miles goes to push Dreyko away but Dreyko stands still as a rock. A fucking rock. "You know I care about you right?" He says looking at Miles even if he refuses to look at him. "Shut up." "We're friends. Were friends who hold hands, cuddle, hug, and sleep together-" "That sounds wrong." "Then don't think of it like that. But friends who do that care about eachother. I care about you. Even if i've known you for a week. I still want to know more about you. You are your own person. I want to be in your life you know. I want to be your rock."

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