10 - plane rides

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age: 9
mom: natasha


y/n's pov
Tomorrow was going to be such a good day, me and my entire family were going on holiday, meaning we had to get up at early hours in the morning and go to the airport, it was still going to dark when we went and i have to go to sleep really early tonight.

My mama said that if i don't go to sleep early tonight then i'm not aloud to go, but she did say that i could sleep in her bed so i agreed with her, i'll do anything to sleep with her in her bed. I was in bed before mama had even told me to go, which surprised her but i was excited.

"You're practically shaking baby" Mama chuckled, i nodded my head excitedly and kicked my legs, accidentally kicking my mama but i apologised to her and she gave me a kiss, i thought about doing it again to get another kiss but i thought against it.

I lifted my head up and pouted my lips, thankfully mama understood and gave me a kiss making me smile and curl against her chest, i kicked my legs against the mattress again.

"Calm down detka, you're getting too hyper" Mama chuckled pressing a kiss to my head and rubbing my back, i take a fist full of her night shirt and squeeze it in my arms, my excitement getting the best of me as i completely go crazy in mama's arms. [baby]

"Too excited to calm down momma" I giggle covering my mouth and stuffing my face into mom's neck, squealing quietly and then wrapping my arms around her neck causing her to fall onto her back as i climb on top of her, with a big smile, mixed with a mischievous one.

"If you don't go to sleep Y/n, there will be no holiday trip" Mama warns, i sulk and fall against her chest comfortably this time with a smile. Her hand rubs up and down my back a slow speed and she's breathing into my hair, which weirdly is making me sleepy.

As much as i'm trying to keep my self awake, i'm finding it very hard with all the comfort i'm receiving so i give in wanting to go on holiday quicker, i let my body slowly fall asleep in the arms of my mama.

When i next wake up, it's still pitch black, Mama is rushing about the room, grabbing what we needed, i sit up rubbing my eyes and yawning which caught my mom's attention.

"Y/n, you're awake! Are you ready to go on holiday?" Mama says with so much excitement in her voice, but i let out a grunt and fall back down onto the bed, hiding my head in the pillows.

"Come on, we are going on holiday!" Mom said and clapped her hands together, i stayed were i was in bed until mom came over and lifted me out, placing me on the floor, i let out a big yawn and rubbed my eyes.

"Toilet before you leave" Mama said, i sighed and walked off to the bathroom, doing what i needed to do before going back out to mom who was bringing to remainders of the stuff downstairs.

I held onto mama's waist whilst we waited in everyone, i was exhausted, i didn't even know what time it was but it was pitch black outside still which meant it was still early in the morning.

"Can you let go for a second whilst i put everything in the van please?" Mama asked trying to remove my arms from around her waist but i shook my head, i was tired and just wanted a cuddle.

Although, mom pulled my arms off of her and went and put all the bags and suitcases in the car, i stood with a pout on my face, feeling unhappy that mama didn't give me a cuddle properly.

"Hey in the car please" Mom stopped walking when she saw me pouting and pointing to the car, i groaned and made my way out, climbing into the back seats and getting all comfy.

Everyone started to come into the car after me, and i was then stuck in the back with my cousin, Billy, he was annoying and so was Tommy, they were little boys that just never stopped talking.

"Momma, i don't want to sit next to Y/n" Billy whined reaching out for Wanda who was trying to buckle him into his car seat.

"Don't be rude Billy" Wanda said then looked over at me, but i looked away and made eye contact with my mom who gave me a soft smile but i ignored her too.

I decided to close my eyes, i was still tired and we had to drive to the airport, there wasn't a time we had to be there by exactly just in the time between 6-7 because Tony had a private plane.

When i next opened my eyes, my mama was lifting me out the van, i let out a groan after being woken up and hide myself in her warm neck, i feel her smile as she leans her head on my head and sways her hips as our luggage gets loaded onto some trolley for us.

Mama carry's me into the airport, i could walk but i'm tired and don't want to walk right now and mama's arms are like the comfiest thing to be in, especially fright now.

"Can you go down a minute for security" Even though i don't want to, i nod my head and let mom place me on the floor, grabbing her arm tightly when i almost fall over because i haven't used my legs since we left, security was easy and we were done in no time.

When mama sits down on the bench, i sit down on her lap, she giggles and wraps her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her and pulling my head into her chest.

Again, i fall asleep but i think mama must have carried me onto to the plane becasue when i woke up again i was in my seat, laid almost sideways on her.

"You keep falling asleep and waking up" Mom giggles nudging me, i smile tiredly and rub my eyes, i feel as though i could sleep for the rest of my life.

"It's light outside" I gasp leaning over my mom's lap and looking out the window, she giggles and places her hand on my back as i look out looking at all the clouds that we are driving through and the sky and the land beneath us.

"I love plane rides" I smile and fall agaisnt the side of my mom again, she hums flipping a page of her book and leaning her head down so it was on mine, i smile again, more this time and look at the book she's focused on reading before pulling out my coloring book and coloring in, i love spending time with my family.


not proofread but my niece had her first birthday party today and it was so cute

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