34 - sickness troubles

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age: 7
mom: natasha
warnings: throwing up


natasha's pov
Over the past week, i've noticed that Y/n has had less and less energy and is falling asleep straight away when it comes to bedtime, which is definitely not usual due to the fights we put up with every night.

My poor girl has seems so weak, i feel awful for her, but she doesn't show any symptoms of anything, she's not hot or throwing up or anything like that so i don't know what is going on.

I'm still sending her into school as she has no physical symptoms and i feel bad for sending her in but she needs to go to school, my daughter is a bit of a slow leaner and keeping her off school for so long probably won't benefit us very well.

Although, throughout the night last night, i was awoken quite a few times with little coughs which were coming from my daughter, i frowned each time as i knew that now the symptoms were starting to show and a cough is definitely not a good thing.

The next morning, i go to wake up Y/n and she's already sat up in her bed awake, letting out little coughs and clutching her stomach, her eyes tiredly drift up to mine as she pouts and a tear falls down her cheek.

"How's that cough baby?" I ask entering the room and taking a seat beside her on her bed and placing my hand on her leg, giving it a small rub, Y/n reaches her hand up to her eye and gives me a big yawn as she huffs.

"It hurts, my chest hurts when i cough" Y/n pouts, i frown and run my fingers through her hair, Y/n whimpers and leans forward, coming out from under her duvet and shifting herself onto my lap, the first thing i notice is how sweaty she is.

"You feeling okay darling?" I ask flattening the back of her hair and rubbing her back as she digs her head into my neck and lets out small breaths through her mouth and grips onto the back of my night shirt.

"My head hurts and i feel sick" She groans rubbing her forehead, i hum and nod my head as i continue to trail my fingers up and down her back whilst kissing her head, which now seems very hot.

"Wanna stay home mama" Y/n whimpers and digs her head further into my neck, i nod my head gently and agree with her, i don't blame her for wanting to stay home, she seriously seems so done, all of her energy seems to have been sucked out of her.

"You can stay home baby" I say comfortingly whilst i stand up with Y/n in my arms, which receives a small whimper from her as she tries to cling to me tighter but i barely felt her tighten her arms around my neck.

"Let's get some breakfast, we'll have to get you in the bath tonight because you're so sweaty" I say using my baby voice i like to use with Y/n to make her laugh but she just lays against me limply with her eyes closed.

Carefully and slowly, i carry Y/n downstairs, her face is physically wet with the sweat that her body is producing and the neckline of her pyjama top was starting to become wet as well, along with her thighs which are slippy when i rub them.

After whipping up our usual breakfast, i cradle Y/n on my lap and hold her tightly whilst i slowly spoon feed her, occasionally taking bites myself but i know Y/n will need this food a lot more than i will.

"Everything alright with small fry?" Clint asks coming over and standing behind me, looking down at Y/n, who usually every morning is jumping off the ceilings with her immaculate energy she tends to have some days.

"She not very well, don't know what with but she's been out of it for a few days now" I say looking up at Clint behind back down at Y/n and feeding her again, she coughs and digs her face into my chest.

"Mommy it's sore" Y/n mumbles, pulling on my shirt and wiping her nose with it, I continue rubbing her back and patting her behind area, i attempt to feed her more but she's now evidently finished with her breakfast as she keeps turning away and refusing to eat.

"I know my love, i know" I say quietly and kiss behind her ear, Clint pats my shoulder before he leaves the room, i let out a small sigh as Y/n shifts about on my lap into a sitting up position and wrap her arms back around my neck.

"You're gonna have to get some medicine in you darling" I announce whilst standing up with Y/n in my arms again, i walk over to the cabinet and pull out some medicine which was bought the other day for Morgan when she was sick, which is clearly where Y/n has gotten this from.

"No medicine, no!" Y/n instantly starts whining and throws her head back, i let out a small sigh and hoist Y/n back further up on my hip and hold her waist tightly as she wriggles about.

"Mama i don't like it" She lets out a cry as i shake the bottle and read the instructions of how much to give her, i ignore her pleas for me not to give it to her as she sobs in my arms, i want to give in and just hold her forever, but i can't let her sit in pain.

"You're going to have to take it Y/n, if you don't i'll get Uncle Steve and we'll have to force it down, you know how it ends" I say threateningly as last year when she was sick, we had to get Steve to hold her down whilst i shoved the syringe of medicine in her mouth and made sure she swallowed it.

"No Uncle Steve, and no medicine!!" Y/n screeches and throws herself back causing me to almost drop her and the bottle in my hand, i start to get agitated and let out a sigh, it's obvious i won't be able to do this on my own, so i ask Friday to call Steve down.

When Steve entered the kitchen, Y/n went completely rigid and started screaming and crying, throwing herself about in my arms, kicking and hitting, it was taking a lot in me not to shout at her, but she's sick and i don't want to make her more upset.

"Need help again?" Steve asks coming over, i nod my head and hand to bottle to him, we move to the living room which luckily was empty, i'm not too sure anyone would want to be in the living room at this moment in time and what's about to happen.

Steve carefully takes a very wiggly Y/n out of my arms and holds her down on the sofa, not in any way that will hurt her and he knows that and so do i, but Steve is strong enough to hold her down and not hurt her so i trust him.

I shake the bottle once more before putting in the medicine syringe and pulling back the medicine into it, holding the syringe tightly, i gently lean forward and push Y/n's cheeks together before squirting in the medicine, she cries more but i keep her mouth shut and soon she has no option to swallow it.

When i know she's swallowed it, i nod to Steve and he sits her up, she cries harder and covers her mouth, she coughs a little before her body shakes slightly, my eyebrows draw together as i rush out of the room, my daughters screams becoming loudly as she shouts for me.

Quickly running back to the living room, i arrive just in time to throw a bowl in front of Y/n's mouth before she throws up her breakfast and the medicine, she cries more as she throws herself back against the sofa before burping and throwing up again.

Steve rushes to go and get water and Tony's in here now helping me with Y/n, holding her upright and patting her back as she chokes out the rest of what was in her throat.

"Thank you" I thank Steve as he passes me a bottle of water and a small cup for Y/n, he pours the water into the cup i'm holding and helps me slowly feed the water to Y/n, who is still crying and reaching out for me.

After Y/n is done with throwing up, i thank the boys before they leave with the bowl and slowly take Y/n on my lap, i remove her shirt and her shorts and grab a blanket from behind the sofa and drape it over her small, shaking body.

"Told you no medicine mama" Y/n lets out a small sob as she looks up at me with her red eyes, i frown and gently run the outside of my finger down her cheek.

"I know honey, i'm sorry my love" I say sadly, Y/n curls her body on my lap and places her head on my collarbone, using her other hand to lie on my chest as she plays with my necklace and rubs her eyes against the bottom of my chest.


I'm sick and want Natasha and Scarlett comfort.

worst time to get sick as well because i've just started my exams and i'm literally in that hall CHOKING trying not to cough

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