8 - be calm and gentle

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age: 3
mom: scarlett
dad: colin
r&c age: 5

What a crazy day i have had so far, Colin was working today so i've been home with the kids all day and it has been very hectic, thankfully no meltdowns or that but just having very energetic kids on my hands.

I've got my 3 year old on my hip as i tidy up lunch which has just been eaten, i've tried to get her to go and play but she's just wanting to stay with her mama and i don't have the heart to tell her no.

"Mama, that one is still full" Y/n points out pointing to Rose's plate which still had some excess food laying on it, i hum nodding my head and throwing it all away, placing it in the dishwasher, Y/n lets out a sigh and rests her head down on my shoulder.

"Is Y/n tired?" I ask running my hand up and down her back, she lets out a weird noise shaking her head and wiggling down from my grip, as i place her on the ground, she starts running off, from what i hear she ran into the living room.

Rose and Cosmo were playing mario kart and i just know that Y/n will be in there winding them up, especially due to it being just after lunch, for some reason that being the time when Y/n likes to act up.

It's quiet for a while and the only noises heard are her siblings playing, shouting at the tv and whatever, so i take a seat at the kitchen island and pull out one of my books that was sitting on the top.

I was finally relaxed and calm, quiet until a high pitched scream ruins it. I sigh placing my bookmark in my book, as one more of my child screams, i carefully place the book down and rise to my feet.

Slowly, i make my way to the living room just in time to hear all of them scream. Y/n's being the loudest of course, i come in and see Cosmo trying to hold his controller away from Y/n who looks to be trying to snatch it off him.

"Ah Ah, Y/n that's Cosmo's, come and sit with mama darling" I say holding my hand out, she lets out another whine shaking her head and shaking her finger in my face and jumping on top of Cosmo again which makes him cry.

"Y/n. That's Cosmo's not yours, leave him alone now" I scold stepping into the room, Y/n starts to cry and shake her head angrily kicking her legs, i walk over to her and lift her off the sofa and into my arms where she starts to thrash about.

"No kicking Y/n. Cosmo had it first and it's his so please stop making a big deal out of it" I take her out of the room and back into the kitchen, placing her on the floor and sitting myself back down on the stool as she continues to scream and cry.

"Mama! Hug" She sobs, i look down at her seeing her little teary face and cant help but from at her sadness, i hope off my stool and kneel down in front of her, taking her small hands into my larger ones.

"Mama isn't going to give you a hug just yet" I speak causing her to sob some more and cry harder, i rub my thumb over her hand and then move to rubbing her arm, she cries loudly jumping on her feet and furiously rubbing at her eyes.

"It's mine!!" She screams jumping again, i hold her arms and stop her from jumping and tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear and placing my hand on her cheek to try and help calm her down.

"It's not yours sweetheart, it's Cosmo's" I say gently, Y/n screams out again as she says it's hers, i let out a small sigh and drop my head slightly, Y/n's hands start to flap about and she tries pulling away from me.

"Shh, take a big breath for mama" I whisper, placing my hands on both of her cheek and caressing them with my thumb, Y/n stubbornly shakes her head but complies and attempts at taking a deep breath.

"Like this lovie" I demonstrate a bigger and better deep breath and get her to follow me, she takes one and blows onto my face, i chuckle and tuck more strands of hair behind her ear.

"That's it, all calm now. Do you want a hug now?" I ask holding my arms out, she lets out a small hiccup and nods her head sadly, taking two steps forward and wrapping her arms around my neck tightly.

"Well done" I mumble patting her back, it isn't often that Y/n melts down or has a tantrum, it's mostly her siblings and most of the time Colin deals with them because they are a lot worse than Y/n's little ones.

"Sorry mama" My daughter mumble, i smile giving her a tight squeeze and kiss her head, she sniffles again and i rubs her snotty nose on my shoulder making me laugh and pull her back from me.

"Darling, Cosmo and Rose got that for their birthday last week, which means it's theirs. They'll share it with you, but you can not go and snatch it off them, alright?" I say clearly, Y/n pouts sadly and nods her head moving her finger to her mouth.

"Can you tell mommy what you're not gonna do please" I ask, gently pulling her fingers out her mouth and holding them in mine as i try and get her to speak and tell me what she shouldn't be doing.

"No snatching, no screaming" She adds, making me smile and nod her head, wiping her nose with my own finger and then her tears that were slowly falling down her face still.

"Good girl! We don't want screaming, it hurts our ears doesn't it?" I tease ticking her tiny tummy making her squeal and take a step back laughing, she nods her head with a bright smile.

"Thank you for apologising baby, are you sleepy?" I ask, she gives me a shake of her head whilst rubbing her eyes which clearly tells me that she is very tired, especially from her little stunt.

"Okay then, why don't we go have a cuddle in the living room, mama can read her book and you can play?" I suggest, Y/n shakes her head but holds her hands up for me to pick her up, and i do.

"I wanna watch Rose and Cosmo" She mumbles, moving her thumb to her mouth which is another sign that she is very tired. I nod my head and grab my book taking my daughter and my book to the living room, the twins are still playing as me and Y/n takes a seat on the corner of the sofa.

I sit right in the corner and bring my legs up and Y/n sits on my stomach, still being able to see the tv, i bring my book over the top of Y/n's head and am still able to read it, the twins aren't being too loud now so i'm able to read in peace.

Time ticks on and Y/n has moved so she was curled against my chest, with her thumb half in her mouth and half sticking out, i'm still patting her bottom as when she moved to me i started but i keep going, the twins have finished playing their game and raced upstairs to their playroom.

I'm near the end of my book as i turn pages, i look down at Y/n. Her cheek resting on my chest is causing her mouth to be open which is the cutest sigh ever, her little breaths are my favourite sounds and i'm in love how her body has just relaxed and melted in to me, my children make me so happy, happier than i've ever been.


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