33 - evelyn hugo

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age: 16
mom: scarlett

the seven husbands of evelyn hugo spoilers!


Currently, i was sat in my room, my blinds and curtains wide open as the sun blares into my room, shining off of my crème coloured walls making my room look beautiful.

I sat on my bench underneath the window which my mom decorated with pillows and my name in calligraphy across the wall at the back, a book was in my hand as i was being sucked into the story, although this book was no ordinary book.

the seven husbands of evelyn hugo

I'd been dying to get my hands on this book for ages and i'd only just recently convinced my mom to get it last week, i started reading it yesterday and i only have around eighty pages left, i was engrossed.

During the day i haven't eaten, left my room about once or twice, i've been so attached to this book the moment i picked it up, my mom says it's bad to be reading so much, especially since i just finished a six hundred page book in less than 48 hours.

Which that was record for me, i'm a slow reader and it take a while for information to process in my head so i'm proud of myself to reading so quickly, and my mom is too she says.

Occasionally i find myself smiling whenever i'm reading this book, the chemistry between Celia and Evelyn is bursting through the pages as i read them, i was heartbroken when Celia left her the first time, but the second broke me and i admit i shed a few tears.

But when i found out that Celia had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease my heart was in pieces, knowing she only had a few years to live and Evelyn had only just gotten her back, and the letters that they sent between each other were adorable.

Although the first time i admittedly started sobbing was when Harry died, i'd loved Harry from the start and my heart was shattered after his death.

"I want you to stay Harry. We need you. Me and Connor. But if you have to go then go. Go if it's hurts. Go if it's time. Just go knowing you were loved that i will never forget you that you will live in everything Connor and i do. Go knowing i love you purely harry that you were an amazing father. Go knowing i told you all my secrets. Because you were my best friend"

Nothing could have prepared me for that to come and i was mortified, and i was so upset it brought my mothers attention.

A loud knock at the door interrupted my cries and my attention with the book on my lap, i looked up and saw my mom entering the room, i had a tissue held under my eyes to catch the tears but it wasn't very helpful as my tears soaked the tissue.

"What did i tell you?" My mom spoke with a raised eyebrow and a teasing look on her face, i opened my mouth but a small sob came out, my mom frowned and walked over to my holding her arms out, i leaped off my bench and into her warm embrace.

"I loved Harry" I hiccuped out, my words were broken up and i sounded like a child not getting her own way after being told no, mom kissed my head and rubbed my back, picking up the book from behind me as i sobbed into her chest.

"So did i baby, what did you like most about him?" She asked me, turning around and sitting on my bench and pulling me onto her lap, i forced myself to take a few deep breaths before answering her.

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