19 - outset live

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age: 3
mom: scarlett
dad: colin


Scarlett and Kate were about to do a tiktok live, the live had become one of Scarlett's favourite things to do with Kate and even on her own sometimes.

She loved to talk about the outset and make sure everyone was comfortable with the outset, she wanted what was best for everyone's skin.

"Hi everybody! Hi" Scarlett said coming into the view of the camera and sitting down on the sofa, waving at the phone, Kate sat beside her with a smile.

"Oh my gosh! I've missed these" Scarlett says looking at Kate who agrees and nods her head, the live was slowly progressing and Scarlett and Kate were advertising their new travel set kit with smaller versions of the skincare.

"Do you let your kids use the outset skincare" One of the outset crew asked Scarlett and Kate, more so toward Kate as Scarlett only had a 3 year old.

"Yes, my pre-teen, 12 years old has started using the outset as her skin started breaking out a small bit but lucky she has a mom who made a skincare brand!" Kate explains with a smile and Scarlett watches her with a smile on her face.

"I actually have a funny story" Scarlett started, Kate turned to her with a smile and nodded her head telling her to elaborate.

"Well, i have a 3 year old daughter obviously and she knows about the outset, but she's 3, come on she can't be using it, here and there i'd drop a dot on her face but nothing major, but anyways. We had an argument one morning, she was full on, demanding that i gave her every bit of product in my bathroom, it went on for ages" Scarlett explained.

"She started screaming at me, then it went to crying and tantrum, oh my lord! She just wouldn't let it go, i'd be putting it on my face and she'd try and take it from my face, it was the longest skincare routine ever, it took me about 20 minutes to put it on, because she was just having this, meltdown over the fact i wasn't giving her a morning skincare routine" Scarlett explained some more, Kate was laughing the whole time.

The day of the event

"Mommy where are you?!" My three year old shouts, i keep quiet because i hope she just stays where she is and doesn't come wandering for me as i've just gotten out of my morning shower.

"There you are!" She exclaims poking her head around my bathroom door, as cute as it was i try not to smile and continue doing the tasks i am doing, which is brushing my teeth.

"Shower" Y/n mumbled and came over to me, standing by my leg and looking up at me, holding onto my towel which was about to fall down if she gripped it anymore.

After i finished brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth, i took down my dressing gown from the back of the bathroom door and changed into that to make my life a little bit easier.

Y/n seemed to be happy with her bath toys on the floor whilst i finished doing what i needed to be doing.

"Ooh! Mama can i have that" My 3 year old asks standing up to her feet and holding onto the sink, standing on her tiptoes so her little chin could touch the sink as she watched me apply my outset products.

"No baby remember mama said this is for big, big girls like mommy" I said rubbing my cheek, Y/n frowned and kept staring at me through the mirror.

"Mama give me it" Y/n whines jumping on her feet and frowning.

"Mama said no Y/n" I say trying to finish this up really quickly so i could go downstairs and sit down for a few minutes.

"Y/n said yes" She whines again tugging at my dressing gown, i sigh and look down, taking her hands off of my dressing down and moving her back slightly, which result in tears falling.

"Mama give me it, i want it" She cried coming back over to me and digging her head into my side, rubbing her face all over my clean and newly washed dressing gown.

"None of that, stop crying Y/n" I say bending down and taking her small hands in mine as she looks at me with a pout, the tears in her eyes slowly falling down her face which are breaking my heart.

"I want the stuff" Y/n squeaks and points up to the sink, i nod my head in understanding.

"I know you do, but you can't use them honey" I try to explain yet my sentence only make Y/n more upset.

"Give me it, i want it" Y/n screams jumping up and down again, hitting her small hands off of my body.

"Y/n i have said no, stop it" I say sternly taking her hand and pulling her back from the sink so she can't do anything, yet she still runs over to me and starts tugging my dressing gown again.

"I want it, let me have it" Y/n screamed and sobbed rubbing at her eyes, i sighed and shook my head, stepping forward and continuing with my routine hoping to get it done quickly.

Y/n pulled her little stepping stool over, clearly think she was smart and reached out to grab one of the glass bottle, luckily i snatched her away from them in time and sat her on my hip.

"No mama!" Y/n screamed leaning back out of my arms, i held her tightly so she wouldn't fall as i kept applying my serum.

With Y/n's legs kicking at my body and her voice screaming in my ear, and only having one hand it was kind of hard trying to fasten the process of doing this quickly.

"Give it to me" Y/n sobbed and reached her fingers out for my face, i dodged her hand and quickly rubbed everything in so she couldn't take any, which resulted in more tears.

"Mama i just want it" Y/n sobbed, her tears falling quicker, i shook my head and held her as she cried, she cried for a long time and kept trying to take what was on my face off.

"Have we stopped crying now?" I ask, finally finishing my steps, Y/n looked up at me and furrowed her eyebrows pointing down to the products, which i shake my head too.

"I want them and i want what you do" Y/n let out a last little cry, digging her face into my shoulder and wiping her face.

"You can have it when you're a big girl" I say rubbing her back, she lets out a defeated whine and falls against me, i sigh and walk out of the bathroom and head straight downstairs, not even bothering to change.

"I'm am a big girl" Y/n huffs crossing her arms over her chest, i hum and raise my eyebrow in disapproval.

"Big girls don't cry over things they can't have" I smirk and sit on the sofa, Y/n sitting on my lap with a pout on her face, i bounce my knees gently to finish calming her down.

"But i want it and the stuff and do this mama" Y/n said before mimicking rubbing the outset on her face, she rubs her face with her hands furiously making me laugh out loud.

"Oh baby, i know but you're too little right now, i promise you when you're older" I say bringing her into a hug, her little hands rest on my chest as she lays her head on my shoulder, still angry at the fact i didn't give her anything.


i thought this was cute

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