16 - bath time

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age: 2
mom: scarlett


My favourite time of the day, had to be bath time with Y/n. My girl loved a bath, some children hated baths and put in fights and tantrums over them, but Y/n has never ever done that before.

When i call out for my daughter, she knows exactly what time it is, i hear her drop her toys and run into the kitchen where i was just wiping down the last bit of the kitchen.

Tonight was the night that i bathe with her, so i'm sure that that was just adding into the excitement that was filled up in her tiny body.

"Bath time!" Y/n squeals and takes my hand in hers, i chuckle letting her think she can pull me away whilst i place the sponge back down by the sink and then follow my daughter upstairs.

"Mommy's bath as well" Y/n says looking up at me, i nod my head agreeing with her telling her that she was correct. I head to her room first and fish out some pyjamas for her, grabbing some beauty and the beast ones.

Then, i head into my room and just pick out some fluffy bottoms and a fluffy t-shirt as it was winter and freezing in New York and i wanted to be as warm as i could be.

"I want melon bubbles" Y/n says picking up the green watermelon bubble soap and showing me it, i nod my head and place it back down on the side whilst i search out our towels.

Once i've gotten our towels, i turn on the water to get it all warm for us both, i add in the bubble mix half way through with the help from Y/n then start to undress her, throwing what i need to in the bucket and what i need outside for laundry.

"Ready to get in?" I say kissing my daughters cheek, she lets out a cheeky giggle and nods her head, bouncing on her feet happily, i stand up and lift her into the bath, watching as she slowly sits down, getting used to the water.

After Y/n is in happily, i tie my hair at the top of my head in a messy bun then undress myself and get into the bath, realising i've filled it a little bit too high, to the point where the bubbles are touching Y/n's cheeks, so i decide to let the water drain a tiny bit before stopping.

"Mama, we need toys" Y/n says looking at me like i'm a monster after forgetting her toys, i reach over the bath and get the basket, pulling out Y/n's bath toys and watching her squeal happily for them, picking an octopus up and standing up, sticking it to the wall.

I lean back against the little rest that we have in the bath and watch as Y/n crawls about the bath playing happily, she makes sure that i'm always involved in playing, i'll always be holding some sort of duck for a long duration of our bath time.

"Aeroplane!" Y/n shouted and i look over at her just in time to see her slam her hands down into the water, creating a massive slash, i gasp as it gets all over me, and the walls, i look back at Y/n who's sitting with a grin on her face.

"Sorry mama" Y/n mumbles, i let out a small smile and shake my head passing her her duck and then picking up some of the bath colors, bringing them up to the wall and writing my name.

"Can you write your name?" I ask, Y/n most definitely couldn't write her name, it was a big circle with scribbles everywhere and it made me laugh at her attempt.

"Does that say, Y/n?" I said pointing to the, creation on my bathroom wall.

"No, that's mama" Y/n speaks proudly turning to look at me, my eyes narrow toward her as i look back at it, i let out a small laugh then hand her the blue chalk back to her and lean back.

Y/n reaches over for one of her princesses and starts making it walk along the water, until it goes up my stomach then reaches my hair, walking back down my body until she sinks in the water.

Eventually, Y/n starts to get tired, her head starts dropping as she's playing so that's when i know it's time to start cleaning her up, i grab our bath sponge and start to clean her body.

She reacts in a sleepy way and pushes herself into me, it's easy for me to clean her as she doesn't move and just clings onto me tightly, and by the time i've stood up out of the bath, she's fast asleep.

Normally Y/n falls asleep in the bath, bath time is where the last bits of her energy come out, she loves playing in the bath and it just helps me with bedtime, i wrap a towel around both of us and place Y/n on my bed.

I hum softly as i lay Y/n down on her towel on the bed, grabbing some lotion and rubbing it over her body, Y/n shivers slightly but her sleepy self lets out a smile.

Although, whilst i was slipping on Y/n's little nightie, her eyes opened up with a small grunt, i lifted her back into my arms and swayed my hips, my hand rubbing at her back, i hear her let out a small sigh as her head falls to my shoulder.

"Sleep baby" I whisper kissing Y/n's head and patting her bottom, Y/n's little body falls limp in my arms and i can hear her breathing slow down making me smile.

Instead of going to Y/n's room and putting her in there with the chance of waking her up, i decided to keep her in my bed, one night won't hurt.

After Y/n is all snuggled into my bed, i change myself into my pyjamas and then turn all of the lights and switches off in the house, when i go back to bed, Y/n had sat herself up and is rubbing her eyes.

"Shh, lay down honey" I whisper getting into bed beside her, she lets out a small whine and shuffles closer to me, wrapping her small arms around my body, pushing her head into my chest.

"Night night" I whisper kissing her head and stroking her hair, her little body curls into mine as she grips onto my shirt, her small lips come in contact with my shoulder, as recently the pacifier had been going bye bye's and now Y/n like to suckle on my skin, which i don't mind, and it's a better alternative for a pacifier, whatever makes my baby happy, i'll do.


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