3 - they annoy me

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mom: scarlett
age: 10
r&c age: 6
dad: colin

Sometimes having a little brother and sister is really fun, because you get to play with them a lot but other times it isn't fun at all and they can be very annoying.

Cosmo and Rose annoy me more than they play with me, they're younger than me but i don't have anyone else to play with so i can only play with them sometimes.

Mama doesn't work a lot at home but when she does she likes to work inside on the computer, she has some days off but most of her days are very busy so we can't play together which is okay because i know she is a very good actress.

"Rose, Cosmo come get your dinner!" Mama shouts, i hear my siblings running downstairs to the kitchen, then getting told of by mama to stop their running incase they get hurt or incase anything breaks.

"Y/n baby, dinner time!" Mama then shouts up, i smile to myself, picking up my teddy and running downstairs despite mama just telling my siblings off for it.

I skip into the kitchen with a grin, sitting down in my chair and waiting for mama to place the food in front of me. As i wait, i look at my siblings who are now purposely chewing with their mouths open and making weird faces at me.

"Stop" I whine folding my arms and looking down at my lap, but look up again when my dinner is placed in front of me and mama kisses my head.

"What's going on" Mama says in a sing songy voice, i look up at Rose and Cosmo again who are starting to do the ugly eating and the weird faces again making me whine.

"Rose and Cosmo are making faces at me and eating with their mouths open and showing me their food" I say in disgust covering my face with my hands, mama comes over with her food and places it down before sitting down beside me

"Enough guys" Mama says sternly pointing her finger at them before calling on dada who arrives quickly, he gives us all a hug and a kiss on the head before taking a seat in his chair.

"Who's annoying who" Dada says in a funny voice, i giggle falling into the side of mama who lifts her shoulders and smiles at me. I eat some more of my food, trying not to look at my siblings whilst i do.

Dinner was going well, that was until a sausage was chucked at my face, Cosmo starts laughing as Rose's eyes widen, dada stands up and takes Rose out of the room and mama tells Cosmo to stop laughing.

"Shh, you're alright" Mama says trying to stop my crying but i'm wearing my favourite white shirt and now it's got a fat brown stain on it. I cry into my fists and can still hear Cosmo laughing, which makes me cry harder.

"Stop laughing!" I scream sliding down my chair and sitting under the table, crying into mama's legs, she sends Cosmo away and then lifts me onto her lap, she gives me a few kisses before wiping my eyes.

Mama takes my t-shirt off gently and stands up with me, going over to where she folded some clothes and picks out another t-shirt for me to wear before going to sit back down, i stay on mama's lap whilst eating the rest of my dinner.

"Thank you mama" I thank, for the dinner and for her getting me a new shirt, she chuckles kissing the side of my head and patting my thigh, i slide off and bring my plate over to the sink placing it inside and turning the water on, causing the water to fly everywhere.

"Y/n! Get away from that" Mama shouts, i turn it off and take a step back looking at the mess i have caused, my shirt being dirty once again.

"Sorry mama" I say sadly looking down at my feet, i hear mama sigh and come over to me and lifts my shirt off my body and lifts me up into her arms, sitting me on her hip.

"it's fine, it's okay" She mumbles, kissing the side of my head. She placed the rest of the dishes in the sink and then makes her way upstairs, passing dada on the way.

"Can you clean up the dishes please" She asks kindly to which he nods his head to and kisses mamas head and then mine making me smile, mama takes me through to my bedroom, picking out some pyjamas and handing them to me.

"I'm going to check your siblings are in bed and then i will be back" Mama says stroking my hair and leaving my room, i quickly change into my pyjamas and then sit down on my rug and start to play with my toys again as i was before dinner time.

Soon, mama comes back into my room and scoops me up in her arms making me squeal, she playfully chucks me on the bed and then sits down beside me pulling me into her side, running her hand up and down my side.

We sit in silence for a little bit, just having some cuddles before i reach to the side and pull down a book from my shelf, handing it over to mama so she can read it for me, mama playfully rolls her eyes and takes it from me, sitting up more and opening it up.

Mama's voice is very soft and relaxing and it almost makes me fall asleep straight away, i try my very best to stay awake so i can hear the end of the book that mama reads to me every night, but when she turns the page, i fall straight into a deep slumber.

When i wake up again, it's pitch black outside and the dark really scares me. I grab my teddy and slip out of bed, making my way quietly over to my parents bedroom, i slowly open the door and walk in.

I pout to myself when i see that both of my siblings are in the bed with mama and dada, but lucky for me, both of them were cuddled up into dada so i hoped in beside mama into the middle because i didn't want to fall off the bed.

"Mm, Y/n there's no room" Cosmo whined, stirring about and kicking his foot against my waist, i ignore him and cuddle into mama, wrapping my arms around her neck and cuddling into her chest, she was still asleep but wrapped her arms around me.

"Y/n get out, we don't want you in here" Rose and Cosmo both say, i pout and furrow my eyebrows and cuddle into mama more, Cosmo and Rose keep going on about how i should get out.

"Ow!" I whine clutching my leg when Cosmo kicks it, mama wakes up and sits up a little bit, just in time to watch Cosmo hit me in the head, i let out a sob turning my head into mama's neck and hiding away.

"Oi, you do not hit Cosmo, that isn't nice. Say sorry, right now" Mama says rubbing my back, and sitting up, Cosmo mumbled a quiet apology and dada makes Rose apologise as well after Cosmo snitched on him for saying things as well.

"If there is too much room, me and Y/n will go sleep elsewhere, goodnight" Mama says getting out of bed and holding my hand while taking us to my bedroom, my siblings cries are heard from the bedroom but they go silent when mama closes my door.

"Come on pretty girl, back into bed" Mama says helping me into bed beside her, i let out a hum, snuggling into her chest, i move around a bit more so i was now flat on top of her.

One of my hands is holding hers as she runs her fingers over my knuckles and my other hand is in her hair, playing around with her roots. Mama's other hand is rubbing up and down my back, she kisses my head and pulls up the duvet.

"Goodnight Y/n, i love you" She whispers, i smile to myself saying her words back tiredly and let my eyes flutter closed against her chest, she kisses my head once more, tightening her grip around me letting us both fall back into some peaceful sleep.

scarlett/natasha daughter one shots #3Where stories live. Discover now