27 - shopping

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age: 2
mom: scarlett
dad: colin


I thought today would be a nice day, i decided that me, Colin and Y/n could all go food shopping, it doesn't sound the most exciting but i quite love food shopping and i think Y/n should like it too.

"Y/n, do you want to come shopping with mama and dada?" I ask bending down in front of where Y/n was playing, she turns her head to me and looks up at me holding her block tightly.

"Shop" She repeats and smiles, i nod my head and reach forward, wiping the bit of drool away from her chin.

"Get toy?" She questions tilting her head, i smirk slightly and shrug my shoulders.

"If you can be a good girl, then mama will let you pick a toy, but only if you're good" I say making sure she understands, Y/n gasps and nods her head and letting go of the block, she uses her hand and places it on my knee, pulling herself up.

"Toy time" She squeals before running out the room, as she leaves the living room, Colin walks in, causing her small body to run into his big legs, making her fall backwards.

"Daddy! I falled" Y/n said with a grunt and then picks herself back up, running through the gap between his legs and sits on the bottom step of the stairs waiting to put her shoes on.

"Oh! You waiting for your shoes to be put on?" I say with a smile, Y/n looks up at me and bangs her foot against the floor, i raise my eyebrow and pick up her sandals, buckling then to her feet.

After Y/n had her shoes on, she stood up and opened her arms out, signalling for me to put her jacket on, i laugh and take it down, wrapping it around her.

"Ready baby?" I ask, Y/n looks up at me and smiles raising her arms in the air, i pick her up and sit her on my front and wait at the car for Colin who locks the house up, coming to the car.

We played some Disney songs on the way to the store, which was my request but i covered it up with wanting to play it for Y/n, she giggled in the back and kicked her legs against the chair, happily clapping her hands.

"Mama it's shops!" Y/n says pointing out the window, i turn in my seat and nod my head, going along with her and pointing to the shops also as Colin finds a space to park his car.

"Get me out! Out! Out!" Y/n screams pushing herself up in her car seat and throwing her head back, kicking her tiny legs against the bottom of her seat.

"Alright missy, no screaming please" I say unbuckling her clip and lifting her out of the car, she's bouncing like crazy in my arms and flapping her arms about causing her little cardigan to fall down.

Colin grabs a cart and i place my bouncing bean inside, she grips onto the handle and lets out a cheeky smile, giggling afterwards and then looking around as we enter the store. 

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Y/n squeals bouncing in the cart, leaning forward and tugging my shirt, i hum and pick out some raspberries and place them in the cart, i push the cart, wondering where Colin went, and reach forward ticking her chin.

"Daddy said, he go to the bread" Y/n says, trying her very best to remember what Colin told her, i smile at her little mispronunciations and nod my head.

"Thank you baby" I say with a smile, she leans forward, resting her chin on my boobs and then leans back dramatically, tilting her head back and looking behind her.

I push the cart around and wait outside the isle where Colin was looking for bread, a tap on my shoulder catches my attention and i turn around to see my friend behind me with a smile on her face.

"Oh hello!" I say happily before embracing her in a hug, she hugs me back and we have a conversation between the two of us, Y/n sitting in the cart in the middle of us as my friend loved to say hi to her.

As me and my friend are talking, Y/n flinging herself around in the cart in all different positions, laying her head on the handle, as i look down i notice her tongue stuck out as she licks the metal.

Quickly, i lift her out the cart and into my arms, she bounces around and then lays her head on my shoulder as i speak.

We soon wrap up our conversation and get back to shopping, i place Y/n back in the cart where i can keep a close eye on her to make sure she isn't licking the metal anymore.

"Why were you licking this?" I chuckle and rub my hand over the handle, Y/n giggles and placed her hand over her mouth as her shoulders shake as she laughs.

"Daddy!" Y/n screams as Colin comes back into view, Colin smiles and reaches to take Y/n's hand as she pulls it towards her, she plays with her fingers as we think of everything else we need to get.

"Toy?" Y/n asks, me and Colin have done most of our grocery shopping and don't really need much more, Y/n has a good point of getting a toy, she hasn't been a problem today so i think she deserves it.

"Go on then" I smirk and lift Y/n out the cart and take her hand, Colin goes to get drinks as i lead my daughter to the toy section, she squeals when we arrive and starts pointing to all of the cool toys she is looking at.

Y/n wanders about for a bit before finally deciding on what she wants, she comes over with a big squish mallow in her arms, it almost taking up the size of her tiny body.

"You want that?" I ask, Y/n grunts as she walks and nods her head, i take it off of her and hold it in my arms, Y/n smiles up at me and raises her arms in the air, i smirk and with one arm, grab my daughter and swing her onto my hip making her laugh loudly.

"Squishy mama" Y/n giggles and reaches forward to squeeze it in her tiny palm, i laugh and carry her back to where Colin went off to, i keep a hold of Y/n as we go to check out our food and squish-mallow.


Luckily my foot just has damages tissue and nothing if fractured or broken, thank god.

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