12 - hold my hand

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age: 12
mom: scarlett
dad: colin
warning: panic attack

Me and my little perfect family were going out tonight, we were going to a restaurant for some dinner. I was beyond excited as it has been a small while since we've all went out as a family together, especially for a meal.

We were going to quite a fancy restaurant today so it called for some fancy outfits which Y/n seemed very excited about, she loved dressing up in princess dresses and big skirts when she was little and at any opportunity she'll do it again, so for this night, she was getting to do it.

"Which dress are we going for then darling" I question rubbing my thumb over her knuckle, she hums placing her finger on her lip looking at all of her dresses hanging up before she eyes land on a pretty red one and she points up to it.

"This red one?" I double check, standing on my tip toes and tugging at the bottom of it, she gives me a nod and i take it down and hand it over to her, she mumbles a thank you and then disappears to her bathroom to get changed, whilst i go back to my room and change myself.

As i'm changing, my daughter soon comes rushing into my bedroom and quickly attaches herself to me, i jump a little as i was in the middle of pulling my own tank top down, my daughter looks up at me with a cheeky grin.

"The monster in my room almost gobbled me up" Y/n speaks, i let out a laugh and shake my head, pulling my top down, covering her head with it, hearing her loud giggles below me.

"Well that wouldn't be good, you've got a dinner to go too!" I laughed along with her and took her head out my outfit and rubbed my thumbs over the sides of her head leaning forward and pecking her forehead.

My daughter giggles and watches as i change, when i'm done she grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs, to where Colin was waiting for us, i smile to him and slip my shoes on.

We all get in the car and Colin drives us to the restaurant, i was excited because we hadn't been out for dinner together in so long, so this was exciting for us.

"Mommy what food is at the restaurant?" My girl asks me, Y/n was an extremely picky eater, feeding her when she was younger was awful, she would just spit out anything that was given to her and would only eat particular things.

"I'm not too sure baby, we'll check the menu when we are there" I say looking down at my phone, Y/n sighs and leans back in her chair as Colin soon pulls into the parking lot.

I get out the car first and open Y/n's door, when we start walking towards the restaurant, i see a single paparazzi person which makes me sigh becasue i can never have a nice time out with my family without people like them ruining it.

I place each of my hands on either side of Y/n's head so no photo's could be taken of her, but she is still able to walk straight until we got into the restaurant, Y/n moves to take my hand as a waiter comes over to direct us to our table.

Y/n takes a seat beside me and keeps a hold of my hand, wiggling her fingers about and playing with my nails, me and Colin have a small conversation until we get out menus.

"Okay baby, look, mac and cheese or a pizza, chicken, there's this katsu curry thing i think you will like it" I mentioned pointing to the picture of it, Y/n stares at it and for the first time doesn't pull a face of disgust.

"What if i don't like it?" Y/n asks me in a frail voice looking up at me which makes my heart melt.

"Aw honey, thats okay because then you would've tried something new, we can get you something else if you don't like it" I say running my hand down the side of her face, Y/n looks over at her dad who smiles tightly and nods her head.

scarlett/natasha daughter one shots #3Where stories live. Discover now