20 - a new sibling

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age: 11
mom: scarlett
dad:  colin
sister: rose
rose's age: 7


Today was going to be a good day i could just feel it, partly the reason was because it's a Sunday and every Sunday's in my household are very fun.

But the main reason for today being so good would be the fact that it's Christmas day! Me and my family love Christmas, we love giving and receiving, me and Rose mostly love the receiving part but mom and dad love giving people presents, they went a bit extra this year, dad even got mom 4 cars!

Anyways, i woke up bright and early this morning, i was out of bed by half six, the first place i go to on Christmas day is my parents room for a Christmas cuddle as we like to call it, it's just the best way to start the morning.

I'm always first in there and that is how i like it, Rose sleeps until about seven and then we like to go downstairs at half seven to make sure everyone was up and awake and ready for the day.

"Speak of the devil" Daddy says as i walk into their bedroom, i giggle and run over to my parents bed, jumping onto it and then crawling over to where my mom and dad are stilling against the headboard with cups of coffee in their hands.

"Merry Christmas baby" Momma says holding her arms out for me, i giggle and fall into them looking up at me.

"Merry Christmas momma, Merry Christmas daddy" I say kissing my mom's chin then leaning over and kissing my dad before falling against my mom's chest, dad scoots closer to us and wraps an arm around mine and mom's waist.

"Are you excited to open your presents?" Dad asks patting my back, i giggle excitedly and kick my legs against the mattress, getting that small rush of energy that i cannot hold in any longer.

Me, mom and dad lay together for a little while before the door opens and my sister appears, rubbing her eyes and yawning, she smiles and then climbs up into the bed, sliding in the space between me and dad.

"Merry Christmas Rosie" Mom and dad say kissing her head and letting her cuddle up, she smiled tiredly and curls up to the other side of mom that i wasn't on.

We lay in bed for another half an hour, until me and Rose are fully awake and ready to go downstairs to open up all the presents we got.

Me and Rose wait by the top of the stairs as we ran out of our parents room when they asked us if we were ready to go downstairs yet, we stood bouncing on our feet waiting for mom and dad to come out of their room.

"You can go downstairs but you have to wait by the living room door, no opening it, your stockings are on the fireplace" Mom says making sure we understand the rules, me and Rose scream before running down the stairs, leaving her and dad laughing.

"Wait at the door!" Mom shouts before her and dad start making their way after us, they're laughing and smiling as they come round the corner, dad squeezes between me and Rose and places his hand on the door handle, mom placed her arms over our shoulders.

"Right, ready, go!" Dad says before pushing the door open revealing a literal, wonderland, me and Rose gasp before running into the room that is full, and i mean full with Christmas presents, Rose's wrapping paper has always been pink and mine has always been a light green, so we know who's is who's.

"Thank you mama, Thank you daddy!" I say giving them both a hug, Rose doing the same before we run over and sit by our presents excitedly waiting for our parents to sit down, once they do and give us the signal to open up the presents, we tear the wrapping paper off.

I got so many cool and amazing presents and i was so thankful that mama and daddy got them for me, they're so kind to me and Rose every year and always go full out with them.

Rose also got so many amazing presents, she screamed after most of them and held them up, i loved seeing my sister happy, it made me happy inside.

Me and Rose love each other, we love each other more than we fight which is a good thing, although when we do fight which isn't that often, we fight like hell.

"You guys wait there, me and daddy have a special surprise" Mama says before leaving the room, me and Rose gasp covering our mouths as we watch mom walk out the room.

"I wonder what it is Y/n" Rose squeals hugging me, i hug her back and we watch the door as we wait for mom to come back, when she does, she comes back with a little box.

"Come stand in front of me girls, this is very fragile so no sillying about" Mom says looking at us to which we nod, carefully she reveals this thing.

It turns out to be an ornament for the tree, i smile because it's cute and mom loves her ornaments for the tree.

"But look" Mom whispers and turns it around to see the design on the front, me and Rose examine it carefully, and when i realise what it is, my heart drops and my ears start ringing, yet Rose screams happily and jumps about.

"Y/n honey, are you there" Mom asks waving her hand in front of my face, my eyes slowly move from the ornament to her face as i feel my bottom lip stick out before tears make their way down my face.

"What's wrong, what's wrong!" Mom quickly hands the ornament over to dad as she holds her arms out and pulls me onto her lap, as i start sobbing and i think mom can tell it's a sad cry rather than a happy and excited cry.

"Do you not want another sibling" Mom asks me quietly rocking me side to side, i sob some more and shake my head, letting out some more cries.

When Rose was born, i hated it. I was only 4 and i was a jealous child so whenever i saw mom playing with Rose and not me like she had been doing for the past 4 years it left me sad.

Now, there is going to be a little baby and now that i am older i know how much care a baby needs, and not to be selfish but it takes away the time that i'll get with my mama.

"I promise you, you and Rose will be loved the same as you are loved right now, probably even more, we aren't going to forget about you if that's what you're worried about" Mom reassures me.

"Wait is it like, a human baby?" Rose suddenly asks which leaves us all a bit confused, i look at her with confusion turning away from mom's chest.

"Baby of course it's human, you're having a little baby sibling" Then it was Rose's turn to start crying, dad took her on his lap as she sobbed loudly.

"I thought we were getting a bear" Rose cried, me and mom started laughing a small bit as dad seriously tried to hold in his laugh, Rose clearly able to see that he was and got more upset and came over to mom, crying next to her.

Mom calms Rose down and i stop crying, leaving both of us hiccuping, i felt bad because mom and dad seemed really excited, but i really don't want another sibling, but it's not up to me how many children mom and dad want.

"Sorry mama" I mumble leaning back into her, she rubs my back and kisses my head firmly.

"You don't need to be sorry for anything baby, your reaction is completely normal, not everyone wants another sibling sweetheart i'm sorry" Mom replied, i leaned into her and held her arm tightly as Rose jumped off mom's lap to play with her new toys.

"I promise you, you'll love this baby so much" Mom says wrapping both of her arms around my waist, i nod my head and press my face into her neck, i know i'll love the baby it's just i don't want mom and dad to love the baby more.

"Will you and daddy still love me like you do now and when i was younger?" I ask quietly, my voice shaking slightly.

"My baby, of course me and daddy will love you, we will love you more than we do now i promise you that our love for you isn't going anywhere" Mom says kissing my cheek, i nod my head and wipe under my eyes, slowly sliding off of mom's lap and going to play with my presents, i hope i can get used to the back another child will be in the family soon.


got this from the colin spa treatment video ofc

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