23 - what's more important

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age: 15
mom: Natasha


Lately my mom has been working a lot more than usual, and when my mom works too much she gets angrier and moodier which isn't good for any of us in this building.

Sometimes i feel like it's my fault that she works more, maybe she's trying to get away from me because i cause her too much stress, that was one of my thoughts.

I made a list of reasons why my mom would be working more, i hate to think it's my fault, maybe she's just really busy and needs to get stuff done.

Maybe i'm thinking a bit too much but it is very possible that i am stressing her out, i'm a clingy child, a very clingy child. I've never had a sleepover at anyone's house before because i've always needed my mom, and i slept in my mom's bed when i was 4 until i was 10, not one night in my own room.

This morning i wanted to talk to my mom and maybe spend the day with her a little bit because i've missed her quite a bit.

I skipped down the stairs this morning, feeling hopeful that mom will be spending time with me today, i head straight to the kitchen and she's the first person i see, standing by the coffee machine.

"Momma!" I squeal happily, not able to hold back my excitement, mom looks up from the floor and smiles at me, i run at her and wrap my arms around her, she places her mug down on the counter and wraps her own arms around me.

"Hi my love, did you sleep well?" Mom asks me rubbing her back, she kisses the side of my head.

"Good, can i ask you something?" I say jumping straight into it, i just really want a day with my mom.

"Sure, but be quick i've got loads of work today" Mom says, and from the sentence i feel all my excitement leave my body, she hasn't just got work, but loads of work, that is definitely a no.

"It doesn't matter anymore" I say turning my head so i wasn't facing my mom anymore and so she couldn't see my face, i hear her sigh slightly as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Okay then, i've gotta go work, but i'll make you some lunch" Mom says kissing the side of my head and removing my arms from around her waist, ruffling my hair before walking off and out of the kitchen to her office.

I let out my own sigh and sat down at the table, placing my hands over my face, Wanda soon appeared in the kitchen and placed her hands on my back, giving it a small rub.

"What's the matter honey?" She asks me gently, i keep my head in my hands and shrug, i'd lost the happy mood i was in this morning, now i was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk to anyone, i just wanted my mom.

"Momma working again" She guesses, i nod my head and push my palm into my eye so i could stop the tears that were about to make their way out of my eyes.

"It's okay, she's just really busy sweetheart" Wanda says in attempted to cheer me up i guess, but it really doesn't, it only makes me more upset if i'm honest.

"She's always busy" I grumble crossing my arms over my chest, Wanda pulls my hair back and pulls it into a ponytail and kisses the side of my head, rubbing my shoulder softly.

"I know, i know. Talk to her at lunch and say something" Wanda suggests but i shake my head, if i say something like that to her it'll put her in a bad mood, no doubt about it and then we'll end up having some argument and an argument with her is the last thing i want.

"Baby she'll understand, you're thinking she'll be angry but she won't" Wanda says softly, i still shake my head though, i know my mom and i know that if she works to much, anything said to her she'll be angry.

"Okay then, but don't come to me when you regret not telling her because she will understand Y/n" Wanda shrugs then walks off to make herself some breakfast, i groan and push my chair out and walk away.

I'm stuck between deciding wether to go to my mom's office and tell her everything i'm thinking or to just go to bed and ignore it all, wait for it to get bad again then ignore it al again.

Sucking up my courage i choose to go to mom's office, i knock on the door and don't even receive an answer, when i walk in mom looks up through her glasses with a raised eyebrow.

"Can we talk?" I ask leaning against the door, mom looks up at the clock and then back at me, squinting her eyes.

"About what, i'm very busy Y/n" She speaks before looking back down at her computer and then typing more, the keyboard making a loud sound as she furiously types.

"About this mom, you're working too much!" I say sadly, i was expecting her to come over and hug me or something like Wanda said she would do, but she just shakes her head and sighs.

"I'm trying to keep my job Y/n, let me work in piece" Mom says angrily looking over at me and rolling her eyes.

"What's more important mom, me, your daughter or your stupid work!" I say, tears are filling up in my eyes as i hold back my wobbling bottom lip, i hope my mom is able to be how sad i really am.

"Well you're more important Y/n of course you are, but i'm just busy" Mom says, her voice softening as she looks at me, examining my facial expressions.

"You're always busy, you don't spend any time with me anymore! Have i done something? Do you work more so you are away from me?" I shout angrily, letting the tears fall but not letting go of this argument.

"Don't be silly Y/n, of course i'm not working more to get away from you!" Mom said, her voice quieten a little bit.

"It sure seems like it mom!" I shout, mom sighs placing the mouse that was in her hand down and then placing her hands over her face, letting out an even louder sigh into her hands.

"I'm sorry it did, it wasn't my intention Y/n" She says dragging her hands down her face as looking over at me, but i keep my straight face and wait for her to run over and hug me or something.

"What would make it better Y/n?" Mom asks looking over at me again, i look down at the floor whilst i think, i know i cant take her away from work forever but i guess i would like a few days off where we do stuff.

"Like, a day just us two per week?" I say nervously looking up, she may hate that idea and then i would have made a right fool of myself.

"Of course, we can do that. Would you like a hug?" Mom says which surprises me, i look up quickly and my face must show my confusion as she nods her head then opens her arms, i let go of the door and run forward until i run into her arms.

"I'm so sorry" Mom mumbles rubbing my back, she pulls my left leg so i'm straddling her lap and it is more comfy for both of us, i dig my head in her neck and bring my hand up to the back of her head to play with her hair.

"You didn't needed a cuddle huh?" Mom says squeezing me, i nod my head with a hum and wrap a strand of hair around her fingers before dropping it and doing it again.


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