26 - you don't have too

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age: 15
mom: scarlett


My mom has been the best mom in the entire world. She's my best friend and my favourite person, i seriously can not think of anyone in this world i love more than her.

If i say so myself, i'd say i'm spoiled, definitely. I'm my mom's only child, she has no relationship with a man, or woman, i'm the only grandchild (at the moment) and the only niece.

Usually, whenever i ask my mom for something, like some money to go out with friends, or something at the store when we go out, she says yes, now that i'm older, i don't ask as much as i know that i could probably ask for the whole store and she'd get me it.

Me and my mom are like two peas in a pod, or so people say. She's never once shouted at me in my entire life, i never had meltdowns or tantrums as a toddler, i've just always been well behaved, and in school i have perfect grades so there isn't any reason for my mom to tell me off.

We have also not had an argument, we've bickered a small bit here and there and had our disagreements, but i've never said anything hurtful to her and she's never said anything hurtful to me, and the bicker would be done in a few minutes.

"Honey, it's time to get up sweet girl" Mom's voice whispers, she's shaking my body slightly and i just want to go back to sleep, but my eyes snap open and i sit up quickly when i realise what day it was.

Yesterday in school, my physics teacher old me we had to do a presentation in front of the whole class, the whole day after being told that i was panicking, i am the shyest person in the world, me and my mom know that, so there's no way i can do a presentation.

"Mom i cant go to school today" I panic looking at her, my eyes probably show how scared i am as her face turns confused and she places her hand on my forehead.

"Why not honey? What's wrong, why do you look so scared?" Mom says sitting on my bed beside me, i quickly turn my body into hers and stuff my head away in her neck.

"Physics teacher made groups, and he said we had to do presentations, i cant do it mama, i cant do it" I start crying slightly and it may be a little dramatic but i seriously think i'd rather dig my own grave than do a presentation.

"Hey, hey don't cry baby, you should've told me yesterday" Mom says reacting quickly and wrapping her arms around me tightly, patting my bottom and holding my head.

"Ma-ma, i can't go, please, mama i feel so sick at the thought" I sob, mom holds me even tighter as she wraps both of my legs around her waist.

"You don't have to go" Mama whispered rubbing my back, somehow it managed to calm me down quickly, i was now taking deep breaths into her neck and my head fell to her shoulder.

"Thanks mama" I mumble and turn my head over so i was facing the wall, she places her head on mine and threads her fingers through my hair.

"You should've told me yesterday sweetheart then you wouldn't have gotten so worked up today" Mom says, she uses this high pitched voice and it always makes me smile, it's how she used to talk to me when i was a baby.

"Want some breakfast?" Mom asked, i nodded my head and she placed me down in the floor and stood up taking my hand.

I walked downstairs close beside mom, i was rubbing at my eyes and soon they became itchy, but mom passed me my glasses when we got downstairs so that made them stop.

"Did you just feel anxious about doing the presentation?" Mom asked me, placing a bowl of cereal down in front of me and placing her hand on my back, i turn and wrap my arms around her neck, nodding my head.

"It's okay, when i was younger my friends were terrified too, i would never make you do something like that if you were so scared" Mom reassures me squeezing my arm, i smile and pull back.

"Eat up babe, i've got a meeting at the outset today so i'll take you with me" Mom says running her fingers through my hair and patting my back.

I swing my legs under the table as i eat my breakfast and mom drinks her coffee, it's makes me really happy that i have such an understanding mom and she hasn't forced me to go into school today.

Once i've finished my breakfast, mom cleans my bowl as i rush upstairs to change, i pick a warm outfit as it's becoming colder and i get cold very fast.

"You ready bab?" Mom asks holding her hand out, i jump off of the last step and grab her hand nodding my head and smiling, she leads me out the house and locks the door before opening the car.

"Are you doing a tiktok live today?" I ask looking over at my mom as she stops at a red light, she looks over at me and shakes her head.

"Not today baby, we done one yesterday whilst you were at school, we're having a board meeting today" Mom smiles, i nod my head and look out the window as we drive to the outset office.

When we arrive at the office, mom rushes inside, she always likes to be early for some reason, i'm getting dragged to the elevator and when we get to the office floor mom lets out a loud sigh.

"Can you stay here until we are done? You'll be able to hear us because we're just in that room" Mom asks running her hand down the back of my head, i smile and nod my head, making my way over to the sofa and pulling a blanket over me.

"If you fall asleep that's okay" Mom chuckles kneeling down beside the sofa and kissing my forehead, i giggle and nod my head pulling out my phone and then looking back at my mom.

She gives me one last kiss before she gets back up and walks away to the meeting room, i scroll on tiktok and the amount of edits of my mom's tiktok live yesterday is insane, everyone loves her, but i love her most because she's all mine, and i'm all hers.


i went to the hospital today after hours of convincing my mum to take me and it was too full so we left...

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