CHAPTER 2: Silver Moon

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"So nice of you to finally join us Amari," my father's voice is heard before I actually enter his office.  He doesn't look up at me.  His eyes are focused on whatever he's reading.  He sounds unimpressed, but I don't really care.  He called; I showed up... eventually.  Lucky Brie decided to stay behind and catch up with old friends, so I'm here alone. I look around his office as I make my way to the chair opposite him.  It's completely renovated and has a minimalist feel to it.  Everything is tidy, furniture is scarce, and the walls are made of one-way glass where he can see out, but from the outside, it's just a mirror.

The whole pack house has been renovated. There are no remnants of the house I grew up avoiding.  It all looks like an architect's wet dream, with asymmetric glass walls, floating staircases and lights.  So many fucking lights.  It was beautiful, I must admit, just new to me.

It wasn't just the pack house that was new, everything was.  Driving in felt odd.  There was no familiarity.  All the houses around the pack territory were redone and made to look more modern, neat and although it had all the characteristics of sophistication, it lacked personality.  It felt as if the hell I survived failed to do so.  Silver Moon was a very different place.

"I like what you've done with the place," I remark as I take my seat. "Everything looks so... new."

"That's because it is," he answers bluntly, still not looking at me. 

I sit in silence, waiting for him to be done.  It isn't awkward because I decide to busy myself on my phone.  I had a job before I came back and there were some loose ends I had to tie up, and now seemed like as good a time as any to reply to some last emails.  We sit in silence for Goddess knows how long and I get bored of waiting but try not to show it.  I was late to come and see him, I don't get to complain about him not making time.

"Welcome back Amari," my dad finally says, and I snap my head up to him.  He is looking at me with his cool grey eyes that I inherited, and I see a slight smile on his face.

"Hi dad," I smile back.

"I wish we could sit down and do pleasantries, but unfortunately, you're late, so we have to get right down to business."  He regards me briefly before continuing, "It is almost time for you to take my place as Alpha.  I'd like the takeover to coincide with you finding your mate.  I know it's an antiquated practice, but a pack runs better with a mated Alpha, so we'll keep the practice.  Have you found your mate yet?"

"Uhm, no."

Because you haven't been looking

Eris, so nice of you to join us.

"Well, that's a bummer, because if you don't find your mate before your 25th birthday, which is in 6 months, you'll have to settle for a chosen mate."  He put air quotes around the word 'chosen' because he knows a better word would be 'forced'.  Eris almost growls at the idea.

"Why do I need a mate, dad, I can be Alpha without one.  I'm level-headed, strong and can lead.  It's in my blood.  Like you said, the mate thing is antiquated, other packs have Alphas that are unmated, and they do just fine." I protest.

"'Just fine' isn't good enough Amari.  Look around, look how the pack has grown.  Your wolf won't settle until you're mated, and an unsettled wolf is hard to control.  You and your wolf need to be in harmony so you can lead effectively.  Sure, you can do fine without a mate, but refusing to find one will only isolate you from your wolf.  And don't compare us to lesser packs, compare us to better ones, and none of them have an unmated alpha, even the King was mated before he ruled.  Don't look down on that bond, aspire to it."

"But why waste time looking for a mate when I can be alpha without one?" it's a weak point, he's already made up his mind.  There is no debating him on this.   Just because I'm relenting, doesn't mean I'll make the search easy.  Maybe if I delay for long enough, we won't have a choice.

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