CHAPTER 14: Seeking

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There stands my mate. Looking other worldly with her pointed nose, green eyes that sparkle and these beautiful plump lips that make an almost natural pout. Her long dreadlocks are decorated with gold and silver ornaments and her emerald green satin gown with the high front slit makes her look as if she was a heroin taken straight from the pages of some fantasy book. I find her absolutely beguiling.

As I hold her in place, I feel electrifying sparks all over my body, and everything about this just feels right. This familiar face in front of me has brought my whole world to a stand still and I want nothing more than to be with her, in this moment, for the rest of my life. Is this the mate bond I've read about? Heard about? So all-consuming. So overwhelming. It almost terrifies me to be honest and I can't help but panic a little at the thought of this stranger already meaning so much to me.

Before I can say anything more to her, she turn around to leave with nothing but a weak ass "I'm sorry". She doesn't get more than three steps away from me before I reach for her hand and turn her around so she faces me again.

"That's not the reaction I was expecting," I confess, a little confused and surprisingly hurt by her attempt to flee.

"I'm sorry, I just have to go," she pleads, but I'm unmoved.

"No, that won't do," I assert, "I can't let you leave. Not now. Not when I know what it feels like to have you," I state, sounding a little more desperate than I had intended.

I get only silence in return so I decide to show some initiative, "I'm Amari, you look really familiar, have me met?"

"Yes, well no, actually yes," she responds. Its unintelligible but its something.

"So which is it?" I tease.

"Yes, Uhm, I'm Odair, Charlotte Odair." She finally looks me in the eye when she says this, and I feel the air leave my body.

"Okay 'double oh seven'," I joke, amused, "If I had known my mate was just next door, I'd have come to get you myself. Is this not a lovely way to meet after all these years?" I sound rather hopeful, but based on her slight smile, I don't mind it at all.

We just stand there looking at each other, not sure what to do, her hand still in mine and I push myself to be a little braver. I take my other hand and cradle her face. She lets out a quiet gasp at the contact, but she leans into me and closes her eyes. Eres is wagging her tail in excitement, urging me to kiss her, and it doesn't seem like such a bad idea, so I start to lean in. She opens her eyes and leans towards me too, her hesitation as clear as I'm sure mine is, but it's laced in determination and desire.

But then, in perfect poor timing, in pops Brianna who sees us and practically shrieks her excitement before apologising and leaving. That kills any moment were having and it is as if my mate is relieved at the interruption.

Ouch, what gives?

She then pulls herself away from, apologises and runs a way again. This time I don't stop her. I'm just stuck where I am, in a daze of confusion, wondering what it is I did wrong? Had she heard the stories of me? Why did she keep trying to run? Was she afraid?

"Ames, I'm so sorry!" Brie rushes in apologetically, "but was that... is that your mate?" She asks, excitement clear in her voice.

"Yeah," is all I muster, unable to help my disappointment.

"Amari that's gr... wait. What just happened? Why did she run?"

"I have no idea. I don't think that's how its supposed to go," I state more as a question, hoping for insight.

"No, no it's not," Brie comforts, but then she places her hand on my shoulder and looks at me rather decidedly. "You need to go after her. Ames if you let her go, it's going to be torture. Go after her!"

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