Your Lie In April - Midorima X Reader (Crossover)

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That was all you can say after watching the recital. Your heart was filled with amazement and your eyes focused on the person playing the piano. Midorima Shintaro.

I wish I could play like that.. The piano itself singed along..

Your heart was filled with joy and hope. Inspiration from Shintaro Midorima, the pianist.

You rushed and greeted your parents with a hello.

"Mom! Dad! I want to play the violin! Midorima-kun plays the piano so well!"

Then your dreams went uphill. You practiced everyday, make sure it's improving. Your passion for playing the violin caught people's attention.

"My dream is to make music. Real music."

Then here you were. The recital is in a few hours and you were thinking of the positive outcomes as possible. Your heart was beating so fast, you could 't barely hold your excitement. It was your first recital.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A young boy politely asked so.

"It's not taken, you can sit!" You greeted with a smile.

"Thank you. I'm Shintaro-"

"Shintaro Midorima. I am (name)!" You giggled.

"Wait, how did you know?" Midorima asked.

"I watched your recital back then.. You were amazing, Shintaro-kun! I hope to hear you again later." You offered him a handshake and a smile. The boy returns back with a smile.

Here you are infront of many people. Your breathing becomes unsteady and your excitement holding in.

You can do it, (name). Shintaro-kun is here too. Do it for him!

The piano started with a very relaxing intro. You prepared for the violin's turn, and you did your best to calm down your nervous wreck.

After the song, everybody clapped their hands and stood up.

The crowd cheered and you bowed.

"Nice job, Midorima-kun! You're still amazing as ever."

Midorima greeted with a smile."Thank you, (name). I was just doing my best. Great performance too!" Your grin went wide as your heart was beating so fast.

You along with Kazunari, Midorima and (best friend) were close friends ever since that day you and Shintaro met.

However, you got a secret you never told anybody.

Suddenly, you collapsed on the floor and waking up in a hospital. Your head feels light as your body felt weak.

Your parents were bawling their eyes out and you knew your time was limited.

Before it's too late, you did what you want to do. Eat sweets and not caring of gaining weight, wear contacts that you were so scared of, not caring for scores and play music until you can.

Your letter was later read by somone. Someone you love.

Dear Shintaro Midorima,

You're an idiot. Ever since I met you, I knew there was special with you. You were the best friend someone could ask for. Your voice was more manlier than I thought it was. You're much more friendly than I though so. All those memories we spent together.. Please treasure it. I watched you play the piano when we were little and it inspired me to become who I am today. I decided to play the violin. All thanks to you, Midorima-kun! But I got a big secret. I was in middleschool when I collapsed down and woked up on a hospital. Then I heard my parents crying. I knew my time was limited. Then before dissapearing, I do things I want to do. Eat sweets and not care gaining weight, wear those contacts I'm scared of wearing, not caring about my scores and play music anytime I want. It's cliché to write this to a person close to you. I love you, Midorima Shintaro! I have my treasure attached to this letter. If you don't like it, throw it away. Thank you for everything, Midorima-kun.

Midorima finished the letter. "I'll see you next spring, (name)-chan."

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