Why are you so Tan? - Aomine Daiki X Reader [REQUEST] PART 2

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Stupid girl.

"So you are Indian!"


"...Aren't you fucking tired of bugging me?!"

"Oh, me? Pffft. Nah! I'm just asking why you're so black and why aren't you robbing Walmart at 9 PM and smoking crack with the thugs on the streets."

You are so RACIST. So if I'm black, does that mean I'll be a thug and a robber? What the fucking fuck, _____?!

"Where are your parents, ____..?"

"Hm? Oh, I'm Canadian that resides here in Japan, and what am I? Thotergarten?"


"I'm going home. Good bye, _____."

And you spit your drink.

"Wait, no! Aomine don't leave! I'm scared to go home in the night! Some thugs might kidnap me!"

You keep pleading Aomine and a devious smirk appeared his lips.

"Do you wanna go with me at home alone together and show you I should shut you up?"

And a blush spreads your cheeks.

"S-sure! Just don't leave me!"

And he picked you up bridal style.

Time to show her the tyrant of the ring.

-To Be Continued-

holy shit i gottta continue because hueheuheueheu idk doe ha. well fuck he's a tyrant and ndndjjd jahd ok

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