Kim Kardashian X Aomine (whatevs)

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Kim K was a diva. Rich woman, beautiful clothes, magical make-up and glamorous shoes. She's the bomb. Kanye West dumped her over some chick he met on the club, so Kim was lonely with baby North. She got a big ass house, but it gets lonely without a man!
In search for Kim's new man, she set up the FBI to find a perfect guy for Kim- black, likes nice pair of tits and ass, and of course gotta be fit and plays sports like his ex husband from whatever the fuck when.
So yes, with a big heart, Kim was in search for her new man.

The FBI tracked down the streets of Las Vegas, Texas, Massachussets, Los Angeles, Chicago, Oklahoma and any other state they could think of. It was no luck. They reported immediately to the Kardashian.
"I'm so sorry, M(r)s. Kimberly Kardashian. We have searched althrough out the United States to find a spouse for you, but sadly, we haven't." The agent finished his sentence as Kim was devastated! She couldn't believe what she have heard.
"Shit, this is stressing me out. I need a massage.."

The FBI was still in search for her new man. Kim was getting ready for her day and a photoshoot for Vogue. She was hella excited! She couldn't even focus on her contouring session. Until her phone rang loudly. Her long finger nails that can cut an avocado in half slide through her phone and pick it up to her ear.
"Hello, Kim K here. Whatcha need?"
"Ms. Kimberly Kardashian, we found your ideal man."
Oh my gosh. Kim couldn't even believe what she had heard.
"Say what?"
"We found your ideal spouse, ma'am."
Then Kim's excitement turned into an inferno of happiness and delight. Her body couldn't hold the happiness either. She looks like she's about to rip off her $500,00 dress.
"C-can you tell me the details?"
"He's from Japan. He's 6'00" tall, dark complexion, fairly built and plays basketball."
Then Kim's jaw dropped.

Fuck Kanye. This is her dream man.

-guys pls tell me if i should continue this ilysm

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