Kids? That's a good start! - Kagami Taiga X Pregnant!Reader

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Just imagine this one~


Kagami, I think we should be ready for the next chapter of our lives..

It's been Christmas, and we all are invited to visit Riko's home. Kagami married me 3 years ago, and it was one of the best day of my life! Every Christmas, he would surprise me with presents, but now, I had to give him my special present, which is the most important thing I had to tell him.

"Alrighty~ How about let's play a game?"

Riko suggested, and the others agreed.

"I suppose, we will play a game, since it's so boring."

Junpei, on the other hand, is Riko's future husband. They make out sometimes, though. They both just deny that Riko will be pregnant soon.

"Hey, ____! Nice shirt you have~ Did Kagami bought it for you?"

Riko stared at my loose shirt, with the print 'I love Burger King'. I blushed as Kagami was wearing the shirt I gave him with the print, 'I didn't choose Burgers, Burgers choose me'. He had the idea of these shirts, and what could I say? I agreed, of course.

But wait. Kagami's my husband and I'll tell him today.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I just shrugged it off and got back on the game.

"How about we play Truth or Dare?"

Koganei suggested and everyone agreed.

"Sounds okay, I guess!"

Riko grinned. The room's aura is filled with excitement, as the team had been enjoying.

Time flies and it was Junpei's turn.

I raised my hand and asked him if it's truth or a dare. He choosed truth, as a dismay.

"Is it true that Riko will get pregnant soon?"

Silence for Junpei and Riko, with crimson painted on thier cheeks, while the team snickered.

Finally, he spoke.

"U-um.. I suppose?.. GAH! TIME FOR KAGAMI!" He changed the subject and asked Kagami if it's true or dare. Well if it wasn't that he choosed truth.

Junpei cleared his throat.

"Have you done it with your wife?"

Kagami blushed and Riko found me rubbing my belly. She also found out I'm having contractions, and she blushed too. Of course, not mentioning my pregnancy.

"W-we, umm.. Done it b-before.."

The team smirked and made Kagami flustered, which made Riko to tell out.

"______, please stand." Riko told politely and I stood up.

Awkward for me.

"Kagami and you have done it, so.. Are you puking after a few days?" She asked and the team with Kagami are confused.


"Please twirl around a moment."

I did what I was told. I twirl a bit and I feel dizzy.

Riko noticed the bump on my shirt and she smiled, whispering to me everytging she noticed. She also told me to tell Kagami now. I blushed and told Kagami to stand up. Of course, he did what he was told.

Dumbfolded he is and the team, I took his hand and nodded.

"K-Kagami, do you love kids?"

Nervously, I waited for his response.

"If it's yours, then okay?" He's still confused. The team found out and widen thier eyes.

"Kagami, she's having a life inside her. You're taking responsibility."

Teppei said politely which made Kagami gulp. Oh my, he's sweaty; mixed emotions.

"Kagami, I'm pregnant with our child..." I gave him a reasurring smile which made him widen his irises, and touch my abdomen. 4 months it has been waiting for him, Kagami hugged me tightly and making the team having some wolf whistles for Kagami. Riko had tears of joy and the team happily shouted "congrats" to Kagami.

He was so happy his dear wife is bearing his child.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" he shouted while smiling.

I giggled and patted his head. "Yes, you're going to be a proud dad."

Beyond happy he is, he pressed his soft lips to mine and broke it for air.

He whispered softly,

"I love you, ______. Always have, always will."

"I love you too, Kagami~"

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