Gross - Kasamatsu Yukio X Reader

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Alright guys! Andy is back uwu

Please dun kill me.


"I can't believe I befriend a gross girl." Yukio shrugged his shoulders and turn around you. He shrugged his shoulders and scoffed off. You were holding a stray dog- a very dirty dog. You found it across the old house, so you decided to adopt it.

"It's not that bad, Yukio. Besides, stop being to girly. It doesn't suit you."

Taking the dog in for a bath, you took a light shower after cleaning your new pet.

Kasamatsu was on the sofa when your new pet glomped him. "GAHH!! GROSS! GET OFF ME!" He pulled the dog away and it whimpered with fear. You hurried down the living room and picked the poor dog up. "You're hurting him.!" His eyes dropped. "But he's dirty.!" You smirked. "Not as dirty as you! I caught you jerking off last night! Hah!"

His eyes widen and cheeks flushed.




Holy shit. I got off guard.

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