Izuki Shun//Nuisance

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"Thanks for opening the bottle, Izuki." You give a quick glance on his face and waited for a response. Shun and you were downtown Tokyo for a drink to quench the thirst. You couldn't help but sit down a bit and relax for a moment.

"No problem, (y/n). It's getting really chilly down here." He rubbed both of his palms together. You have to admit, it is getting late and you're feeling a bit sober. Your head feels heavier and your fingers were freezing.

"Umm.. Shun, I think I should go. It's getting sorta late. You should head back home too." Your voice was getting slurred the moment you try to regain consciousness. "(y/n) I think you shouldn't get back home alone. I could take you back to my place if you want." Shun was always a gentleman. He knew what the ladies want and what they need. You, on the other side was clueless in romance. You had zero experience from men and you're not planning to anyways. You think being single is the best choice for a while. You hate to say you start to like this man. Shun was always that close to you since highschool. College was the moment you have to say goodbye for a while and get to see your bestfriend in 2 weeks or more. But fate doesn't stop that way, unfortunately. You both surprisingly went to the same university and you're both dorm mates. Basically, you're following him around or the other goes back to that. Some sort of red string is happening but you seem to busy on your responsibilities than romance itself. Your emotions were trapped inside a closet that it made for itself. Bits by bits, Shun is getting there to open that closet inside your heart.
"I'll be fine.. I guess."
"Fine my ass. You're looking sick. You're coming home with me." He grabbed the last bottle of alcohol and grabbed the key to the car. You look like you're passing out anytime soon. Your head feels lighter by a second passes by.
"Shun?" your voice sounds cracky and cold. He didn't respond and puts the seatbelt on you while you fight to gain consiousness. He puts the key on the ignition drive and started heading back to his place.
"Shun...I think I'm..."
"Think you're what?"
you laughed a little and feel sleep is taking over.
"...think I'm in love with you." then you passed out, completely high and out of conscience during a confession.

That morning you wake up with a heavy head. You fell out of bed with terrible breath. You noticed the room was a lot more different.
"Strange how I got here. I wonder what happened last night.." Shun came inside the room the moment you got up yourself. "Hey, um, you need a little help there? You seem hungover."
"I'm fine, Shun." You pushed his hand away and went to the washroom to fix yourself.

"Hey Shun, thanks for the spare towel. Really needed that." You gave a quick smile and decided to sit beside the couch. It was really awkward this morning and you wonder why. Until he broke the silence.
"Hey, (y/n).. About last night.."
Your head started to question. "What happened last night?"
"Oh, nevermind. That's nothing. Do you want some coffee?"
Your curiosity started to kick in. Your anxiety is off the radar. "Shun, seriously what the fuck happened last night?"
"You confessed last night."
You made a complete nuisance of yourself. Your embarassment was very bad you had to leave the room immediately.
"I have to go."
"Don't go." He gripped tight on yout hand.
"I think I have a crush on you too, (y/n)."
"That's bullshit, Shun. I don't believe in lies anymore." You tried letting go of your hand.
"Only thing is I'm not lying." He pulled you into a hug. Your heart was racing and you felt intense. Your face was flushed and your hand was shaking.
"Shun, please. Let me go."
"Never ever will I let you go, (y/n)."

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