Scary - Kuroko Tetsuya X Reader [REQUEST]

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@jasmine1115's request ^_^


"Kuroko, please don't pop out of no where.."

"Sorry for that, ____-chan."

Kuroko was scary, even though he just wear his usual poker face. Yet, he let you shout like a majestic fucking eagle. (NOT DIRTY K)

"Oi, Kuroko! Did you scare ______ again?" Izuki, the lame pun maker, asked.

"I don't have any intentions of scaring her."

-Time Skip-

After school, you walked in the dark hallways alone. (Insert scary sound effects here)

Your knees felt weak. You were alone. Like one of those scary movies you watched. You walked slowly, then you felt a hand on your shoulder. "..._____-san, I've been looking for you." And you screamed like a majestic fucking eagle. "JESUS CHRIST, KUROKO!"

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