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"Kris!" Yelled out Peter.

"What?" Asked Kris, Peter was heavily breathing as if he saw a ghost or devil is haunting him to death.

"Sele-selena, she -" He breathed out.

"Selena what?!" Kris asked worriedly.

"Selena wants a chocolate!"

"Then just give her one? Is that such a big deal?"
She said and scoffed.

"She wants you to give one, I bought her some, but she said she doesn't want from me, and when I reasoned that you are busy, she started to cry!" Said Peter, with baby like worried face.

"Ah, okay okay, uh give me the chocolates, i'll go give it to her." She said with a tired voice.


At 2:30 am at Arnold Arboretum

If anyone saw them right now than they would think, Kris and Selena are family.

Selena had a big grin on her face, "Aunt! Would you still come meet me, after mum takes me away?" Asked she, biting to the burger, Kris got her from her centres canteen.

"Mm." She noticed Selena's face being a bit sad, so she tried to change the topic,  "Do you like the burger?"she asked with a smile.

To which she nodded, and passed a smile, but went back to her saddened look again, and kept staring at Kris, as if she wants to say something.

"What?" She asked creeping into a smile.

"I'll miss you.." She said sadly and stood up from the grassy surface.

"Kid, I'll meet you don't worry, and i'll even get the burger and chocolates for you." She said as she stood up, and patted Selena's head.

"Selena!" Someone yelled out.

To which Selena turned around.

She looked at the strange person with her hazel green eyes and it seemed she was a bit shocked,her chubby cheeks was a bit red due to the cold she felt in the air, her chocolate brown hairs were tied up in a two high pony tails by Kris, she saw her mother panting, she could still see some tears that poured into her cheek.

Diana's eyes were already numb, her eyes a bit lighter than Selena's. They shared the same hair colour, Selena just looked like her mother, the only difference was that Selena is still a child, and Diana a 25 year old lady, married to Nicole Wallace a 28 year old man. But none of them looked like it.

Kris, kept staring at Diana, and thought, "Nothing changed at all, fate brought us in front of each other yet again, and as always we'll be making a deal, just like when we were-" she walked out of her ocean of thoughts when she heard,

"Selena come here baby!!" Cried out Diana.

Selena was about to walk to her mother but, Kris held her hand.

"Au-" Selena had to stop mid way, after the glares she got from the adults.

"What now?" Diana said, as if she was so confused, "oh, you need money don't you?" She scoffed.

"We have enough money to buy the whole city, and still be left with 80% of it." She said with her dry voice, she glared at her coldly.

"Than, what the hell do you need in return of my daughter?!" Diana yelled out, she was mad, that even after having enough money, she still can't see her daughter beside herself.

"Your husband." Kris said dryly.

Diana, looked at her, she couldn't understand why she needed her husband but not money.

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