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//Lana's Pov//

I was driving through the busy roads, the only sounds in my ears are the engines of the car as they past by each-other and the soft wind that follow us behind, as I reach our agency, and park my car, there are many cars today. Yup, I'm late for the first time I'm actually late.

I make my way inside the agency, the ground floor is where our receptionist and crew mates and the training ground are in, I make my way to the second floor where we usually have our meetings on new targets and team rooms for everyone, I make my way to Chris's room, He is gonna scold me nuts today.

I knock on the door and when I hear a soft muffled "Come in" I get in, with a small smile on my face.

"You are late Lana." Chris says sternly, just when I step in, and I nod as I mouth a soft sorry.

"Anyways, So the investigation team has brought in a new case." Chris said in a stern voice, and then with a short little pause he spoke again passing us a file, "Human traffickers they said, some of the reported kidnapped peoples are being sent to Spain to work as labors in their country and I need them in our Agency before 12 AM. They are supposed to depart at 12:30, Lana lead the team." He completed the explanation and looked at us, There are exactly thirty two women's and fifteen children's who are captured and are supposed to be sold off in different parts of the world.

In our team we are now five, well four if we exclude Chris. Me, Evan, Aaron and Lisa, just when I was about to turn the file open the door opened and two people came in. 

The girl, was tall with a perfect body, an hourglass figure they say? she was probably not more than Twenty, I haven't ever seen her here though, she had an oval face with a soft gummy smile, as for the guy he had a build up body, with strong muscles and veins covered his whole body, he was well old, Not that much old I don't know how to guess that.

"Well well, We have our two new members, Cynthia Giacometti and Kenneth Abney, they'll be working with you for this mission and also they'll be a part of this team from now on. Cynthia is new so take care of her, she hasn't turned 20 yet though she is new but she was accepted in these mission because she is also very good in diving and heights so she'll be a big help, as for Kenneth, He is a transfer agent from one of our branches in Massachusetts, he is 25 and also a expert in bomb plantation and disposal, and also weapons." Chris explained giving them a warm smile, and then looked at me.

"Alright, now do whatever but remember I need them safe and sound right in this place before 12 AM." He reminded us and dismissed us, as we went to the team room we discussed over the do's and dont's of the mission as I gave them a detailed explanation on how to work this out.

It's currently 9 PM while we are now in front of The Port of Boston as we wait for the perfect time to start our plan.

"Lisa, Hack onto the CCTV's." I ordered Lisa as she started tip tapping on the computer, she has always been a smarty ass on tech's and hacks, she can slip right through anything, even if its highly protected after waiting for some minutes she let out a soft, "Done." And we all head out except her.

I'm dressed in a normal torned dress with a dirty faded color, I'll have to fit in with the victim's to be able to work it out, on the file the investigation team pointed out that, the women and children they kidnap are first kept as a bet in a dark website and if they see it comes in profit and people are ready to buy them as sex slave or labors then they kidnap them, It should be easy for me to barge in as they don't check anything here, I bet they don't even know how many people they are going to depart.

As for the Kenneth he is going to mix in with the traffickers and work the others way in the ship, I don't know how he'll do it though, when i tried to explain my way he said he has his ways, god knows how.

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