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(Sorry, I stopped writing just liked that 😭😭 I got busy-BUT HERE I AM AGAIN HEHE I HAVE PREPARED THE BEST THING FOR YOU GUYS)

/Meanwhile with kris/

"Keep the body in the back seat, tie him up too, just incase." Said kris to Peter.

To which Peter just nodded, and did what he was asked for and sat in the passenger seat, and she started the car.

"Sooo, umm" Peter started.

"What?" Kris gave a direct response focused on her driving.

A bit nervously he still managed to ask, "I was just thinking does Evan know-"

"If there's something else talk about that." Kris said in an outrageous tone.

"No I really want to know! Does he know it's us?" Peter asked loosing his cool.

"Peter, stop." Kris yelled a bit louder than her usual voice, and stopped the car.

"No kris, I have the rights to know it! You all do! I want to know it too, does he know it's us? That's all I'm asking!" Peter said loosing his cool, and speak a bit louder than he was before.

"What do you think?" Kris said, sounding a bit calm.

"Uhh,....I think he does, with the way he didn't make eye contact and started stuttering, so uh ye, BUT I'm not sure." Replied Peter.

"Well, you have your answer." She said it under her breath.

"He does? Than why can't he just talk to us? We didn't do anything? He was the one who ran away." He had so many questions which were supposed to be left unanswered.

"He thinks we are bad."

"Because we do illegal things?"

"No, because we work with Lucifer."

"But is that our fault? He gave us a place to stay! We should repay him!"

"Though it is not our fault neither Lucifer's, we can also not forget, Lucifer was the one who killed your family Peter not taking sides though."

"I don't know how my family was! They were never home, and let's be honest isn't it WAY better that we are here? Look I dont know how or why you are here, but you like it here don't you?" Peter kept his questions which made sense.

Getting no reply from kris, he kept going.

"Look Kris, I don't care if he killed my family, he could've killed me and my sister too, but he didn't instead he brought us with him, gave us food, shelter, gave sis a job, which paid a good amount of money even though we didn't really need it because he was already paying for it! He could've kicked me out after sis died, but he didn't, he kept me, trained me and got me a job too, which pays well yet again! He gave me a bike, he took care of me as his own son, now I just have to serve him with my loyalty to repay him. How abt you kris? Didn't he do enough for you too?"

Silence again.

"Ah, yes ofcourse you never say anything about it." Said Peter with a scoff.

Kris started driving thanking to the gods that the convo took a turn.

After a while of thinking she thought she could say this to him.

"I was kidnapped." Kris started

"Sorry what?" Peter asked.

"I was kidnapped." She said it again.

"By who?" Peter getting actually interested in this.

"Lucifer." She answered calmly.

Hidden Story.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें