Chapter 12

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"E kaasan, Akim!" I practically shouted in Yoruba, Akim's home language, as I entered his backseat

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"E kaasan, Akim!" I practically shouted in Yoruba, Akim's home language, as I entered his backseat. We all had a few more drinks while we got ready for our night out and they were definitely doing their job.

"Kaasan, Nella o." Akim greeted me back with a wink. "How are you feeling, baby girl?"

"Boy, don't flirt with me." I replied with a smack to the back of his head.

Namiko laughed from the passenger seat as Akim rubbed his neck, pretending to be in pain.

"Nella, you're so violent. You know I was playing."

"I know. I just like messing with you." I smiled at him and he shook his head. I watched quietly as Akim turned his face to Namiko. He said nothing, but the way his eyes stared into Namiko's own spoke volumes about how he felt about his girlfriend.

"Hey, baby." she said, kissing him on the cheek.

My sisters and I watched Akim glance back at us for half a second, seemingly making a decision. He turned back around and leaned over the center console of his car and went in for a full-on greedy tongue kiss that Namiko readily returned.

"Ew. You guys could save the nastiness for when we get to the arcade." Ketura said at the same time that I pulled out my phone and took a cute picture of the two of them to send to Namiko later. They were so cute together, and I appreciated Akim for keeping my girl happy and stress free for all the years they were together.

I looked at Aisha sitting next to me. She was averting her eyes from the display in front of us. I could see through the window she was sitting next to that her eyes were a bit glossy. I slid my hand into hers and she looked at me. She smiled to reassure me she was okay, but I could see in her eyes that she was absolutely not. I'd make sure to talk to her about her relationship before the weekend came to an end.

"Seriously, guys?" I heard Ketura say again.

Namiko finally pulled away from Akim and said, "Okay, Ketura's right."

"You two really are nasty." I said.

"Nah. Y'all are just jealous 'cause you don't have a gorgeous Blasian girlfriend to show off."

The ride was filled with all five of us making all kinds of fun of each other and cracking jokes. I never let go of Aisha's hand, silently letting her know her big sister was there for her through whatever she was going through.

I felt freer as soon as we arrived at the arcade. There were young people everywhere. Couples walking hand in hand, groups of girls taking pictures in front of one of the painted walls of the upstairs parking lot. When the arcade first opened up, the owners provided paint and other art supplies for whoever wanted to leave their mark on the then white walls of the arcade. People came from all over the country to make their mark on this cool project and a few of the paintings were done by Aisha herself. I watched her face light up when she noticed that the girls where taking pictures in front of one of her paintings, a girl with flowers in her hands and growing out of her ears and hair. I smiled and put my arm around her as we walked past younger boys on skate boards doing tricks on the ramps in a closed off area in the parking lot.

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