Chapter 16

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Trigger warning: Chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence.


Three months later

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Three months later...

I made my way through the aisles in the grocery store at Kitalo City Center, grabbing things from memory as I focused more on the music in my ears from the ear pods I had on.

I'd just finished a week of non-stop work and was excited to get home, pour myself a glass of wine and cook a delicious meal before jumping into the shower. I had everything intricately planned out to ensure that I perfectly executed the relaxing night I had in mind, from the products I'd use to wash my  hair to the ice-cream I'd be having for dessert. I was absentmindedly reaching for a bag of tomatoes when I faintly heard my name behind me. I paused my music and immediately heard it again, more clearly this time. And uncomfortably familiar.

I turned around just in time to see he'd stretched out his arm and was about to tap my shoulder. "Ornella Mpemba. I knew that was you. Wow, what a small world, huh?"

David was standing with a girl, arms locked at the elbows as they both smiled at me. I stood frozen in place, unable to say anything.

"Oh. This is my girlfriend, Tina. Tina, this is Ornella Mpemba, an old friend from when I used to attend the Vinani Dance Academy."

David's girlfriend smiled even more while I narrowed my eyes at him. His eyes held the same flicker of mischief as they did back when we dated and that completely threw me off. Over the years I occasionally wondered if David ever felt remorse for the horrible way our relationship ended. I'd even imagined him begging me for forgiveness, and wondered if I'd be able to face him. No amount of imagining what this day would be like could have actually prepared me for the shock of it truly happening. He was so relaxed as he continued to ramble on to his girlfriend about something I couldn't even hear properly through the ringing noise in my ears.

"Are you okay? You look like you might faint." his girlfriend observed, grazing my hand with her fingertips.

My eyes went down to her hand and I stared at it for so long that she had to awkwardly pull away.

"Ornella, you really do look—"

"Stop saying my name." my voice finally crept out of its hiding place to interrupt whatever David was about to say.

His girlfriend looked back and forth between us as we stared each other down. "Huh? What's going on here, David?"

He said nothing to answer her question but he shook his head slightly, feigning confusion. I couldn't believe it. I could feel myself seething with anger when I spoke again.

"You have absolutely no right to walk up to me and greet me like we're best friends. You have no right to say anything to me at all. How dare you?"

"Nella, don't cause a scene."

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