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Thank you so much for coming along on Nella and Sani's little journey to love! I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Special shout-out to Skai9876 and rattys21 for all the support, the comments and the votes! You two really motivated me to keep writing The Non-search😭❤️❤️❤️ (P.S. they're both really good writers and you can find their stories: A Prince's Love & How To Love in my African Gems reading list, check them out and show them love).✨

Note on the series:

The Non-search is the first story in the Romance in Kitalo City series! The second story is currently in the works and I'll start publishing it soon, so be on the lookout for that.

Note on the setting:

Even though this is my first published work, I've been secretly writing for a long time, and one thing that I've always struggled with is the place(s) where my stories are set. I really don't know why, I just care more about the story than where people actually are when the story is taking place. This is what birthed Kitalo City and the other places mentioned in this imaginary country. I just genuinely had no energy to be talking too much about real places.

The only downfall of creating a fake country is the struggle of deciding on culture and main languages spoken there. That being said, I really didn't get to explore culture and language as much as I wanted to in this book and that kinda frustrated me.

BUT, while I wrote The Non-search I actually fell in love with Kitalo City, Kisho Valley and Musomi. They started to feel like real places I'd actually love to go to lol, so I'm deciding to use creative freedom to make my imaginary country a bit more legit.

For the next book and every book in the rest of the series, we'll believe the characters live in a country called Kitalo. Kitalo is a small East African country that is diverse and lives by the "I am because you are" principal that a lot of African countries believe in. The capital city is Kitalo City and other major cities are Kisho Valley, Musomi and whatever else I make up as I go along.

The country's history is that it was a land where many African countries' political leaders sought refuge during the height of colonialism in Africa. Leaders of rebellious regimes would be exiled there for protection from government officials who wanted to stop them. Because of this, it's extremely diverse. The languages spoken in the country are mostly of Bantu origin and the culture is mostly East African in nature due to its geographical location. Kitalo's culture was built off of several other African cultures because of many intercultural marriages, but the two major languages are English and Swahili. These are the languages taught in schools.

Note on characters:

As for our characters and their cultures.... I'm familiar with loads of African cultures and languages and I love exploring them in my writing. I definitely want to do more of that in the rest of the series because I feel like I didn't do enough of it in The Non-search. So I'm going to be exploring some of these cultures and languages in the lives of the characters... So we have to establish their cultures and what languages they actually speak....

From now onwards, the main characters that we already know will therefore have the following cultural history:

Ornella, Aisha & Ketura Mpemba: Tanzanian dad & Malawian mom (Desirée Mpemba). The sisters identify more with their Malawian culture because they were raised by their mom only. They speak Chichewa and a bit of Swahili.

Hasani Kitembo: Congolese parents (Steven and Natasha Kitembo). Swahili speaking.

Chimwemwe Banda: Malawian parents (Dalitso and Getrude Banda). Chichewa speaking.

Namiko Nakamoto: Japanese dad & Kenyan mom (Yuta and Fridah Nakamoto). Speaks Swahili and a bit of Japanese.

Akim Audu: Nigerian mom (Esther Audu). Speaks Yoruba.

Koffi Ngalula: Congolese parents (Michael and Sifa Ngalula). Speaks French and Lingala.

All major characters introduced in the next books in the series will have obvious cultural identity. If any confusion about the main characters' culture arises, please refer to this note.


Sneak Peek: The Risk Game

He believes in all the clichés about love, and thinks that true love is worth taking a few risks for

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He believes in all the clichés about love, and thinks that true love is worth taking a few risks for.

She's recently stopped believing in true love and thinks love isn't worth the risk of a broken heart.

Who will win this game of risks?


(Lmao that sounds so corny, I suck at writing blurbs, help😭)

Anyway. This is the cover for book two of the series (for now cause I'm one indecisive girl).

The two MCs are people you've already been introduced to in The Non-search...

Who do you think the MCs are? Let me know in the comments😁


Anyway, that's it from me for now. I hope to see you in The Risk Game🥰🥰🥰

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