Chapter 27

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"That was such a good game, you guys! Baby! You were amazing!" Namiko exclaimed excitedly when she joined us for a small post-match celebration at Akim's place

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"That was such a good game, you guys! Baby! You were amazing!" Namiko exclaimed excitedly when she joined us for a small post-match celebration at Akim's place. He scooped her up in his arms and spun her around before giving her a kiss that lasted a bit too long for my liking. I distracted myself from the spectacle by checking my phone.

After Akim put her down, Namiko gave Koffi and Chi congratulatory hugs before she got to where I was sitting.

"Hey, MVP! Congrats!" she said with a warm smile as she hugged me.

"Thank you, Namiko." I pulled out of the hug to see that sadness had managed to sneak itself into her facial expression, and I sighed.

"How is she? Did she get to SA safely?" I asked her, trying to conceal the pain that resurfaced from talking about Nella.

"She did. She arrived in Cape Town this morning."

"And?..." I urged, waiting for the answer to my other question?

Namiko attempted to look oblivious. "And, what?"

"I asked you how she is, Namiko."

Namiko sighed. "She's miserable, Hasani. You are too, but you refuse to talk to her and she refuses to talk to you, and you two are just breaking my heart one refusal at a time."

"She dumped me, Namiko. What can I say to her when she's made up her mind?"

"You can try again. Please? It's been two weeks, I'm sure she's reasoned with herself and is at least willing to hear you out."

"Did she say that to you?"

"Not exactly..." Namiko said slowly. I raised my eyebrows at her and she sighed heavily. "Not at all."

I shook my head. "She made her choice."

"Hey, are you guys talking about Nella? Come on, we're supposed to be celebrating." Chimwemwe said, sliding onto the couch next to me.

"Chi's right. Lighten up, H! You killed it on the court today. Focus on that." Akim encouraged and I nodded, even though I knew Nella would probably be on my mind for the rest of the day.

It had been two weeks since our heavy conversation in her apartment, and we hadn't talked since. Not a day went by without me feeling an intense need to see her again, but I had to face reality. Nella and I were done. For good.

Koffi shifted in his seat, scooting closer. "Before we close the Nella conversation, I have a question. What are we gonna do about the information on David? Ms. Nketsi is getting tired of waiting."

Roseline Nketsi was a lawyer whose main focus was the implementation of harsher legislation against gender based violence. She'd recently been taking on cases that hadn't been conducted fairly and using them to expose all the holes in the country's justice system when it came to women's health and safety. David's story was right up her alley.

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