13 • Heal Yourself

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I wake up in my bed covered in bandages. My head is spinning and as my blurred vision clears, I see Dabi sitting in a chair next to me.

"Hey there, Princess."

My memory is foggy and alongside a dull pain my body feels drained of energy.

"What.. what happened?"

"We got ambushed by the Hassaikai. Luckily no one died but you were hurt badly."

I reach up to touch my face. It stings under all the bandages. I wince and Dabi reaches out to lower my hand and then pet my hair.

"Do you think you can heal yourself now?"

I nod in reply now that my stamina has returned. I slowly guide my hand across my body targeting each injury. Dabi helps unwrap my bandages so I can touch the wound directly. If I weren't so disoriented I'd think this moment intimate.

Dabi studies me carefully. He looks lost in thought as my cuts heal and my arms strengthen. The pain is gone but I'm left even more exhausted from using my Quirk so much while injured.

"You look so pretty all bloodied up,

He speaks in an unconvincing sly tone,

"but I never want to see you like that again."

Dabi stands up and puts his hands in his pockets before heading towards the door.

"I'll let you get some rest, Y/N."

"No don't go," I whine.

He turns to look at me lying in bed pouting with a helpless expression. His face stoic but his eyes wild.

"Please stay." I shift in bed as a way to invite him next to me.

Not saying a word he lifts the covers and slides in. His arms reach around to hold me as I nestle into his chest. His embrace is so warm, and the rising and falling of his chest comforts me. I hum into him with relief.


He mutters it so quietly I barely hear him. I sigh into him and wriggle closer, tucking my head down under his arm.

"I hate when you're hurt but I can't deny I like seeing you like this."

His voice sounds an octave lower and he shifts his legs to press into me.

"You're like my pet."

My heart thumps in my chest so hard I'm positive he can feel it against his. Sure, this isn't our first caring exchange but something about his words feel different. This time there's a gentle tone alongside his desire. I hum instinctively at his praising comment.

"You like the sound of that?"

I life my head to look at him, smiling and nodding eagerly. My eyes are tired but his words energize me, a warm tingle spreading across my body. With a low chuckle, Dabi is the one to first close his eyes and rest his head back onto the pillow.

"Get some rest, Y/N.. so I can tire you out again tomorrow."

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